Sunday, May 08, 2005

This is different...

Ok... This feels different... not like the usual sessions... but I'll get used to this... It's quite nice actually...

Rather than having you in my face...


And a bonus for you, I'll even throw in some internal jokes that I cant articulate before, now that you are not physically here...

And seriously, I cant bother to correct spelling or grammar or punctuation errors as how I'm not bothered about putting up a proper profile or links or pictures or whatever else...

Anyway, it's just gonna be the two of us and you already know me... At least I hope so... and yeah until I make this public or have a seriousboy friend or something....

So what happened to me? Basically the usual... Work, sleep, eat...

Yet I cant see the money... or

I cant see the money yet...

Learnt how to make Frappucinnos- all of them. Coffee- based, tea- based, cream- based, Frap light... You name it... I can get it done... But the rest like espressos and lattes and all, I dunno... Yet...

And my Learning Journal aint complete... And they HAVE to approve all my "SMART" goals before I'm officially a barista... Sheesh...

Accepted the Comp Engin offer... What the heck... It's good enough I could even get thru... I should be thankful... Yet... you know, the usual disappointment... I cant help myself... All depressed about it... But I'll get pass this... I know I will... You need not worry about that...

And hopefully, I'll attend his wedding too... But not too sure about the university orientation and all.. If they have one in the first place... Have to check it out...

And I have to get my sis the Sheila On 7 CD.... Poor girl... So stressed out this year...

oya... Thank God I didnt resit for A's... waste of time, money, and most of all, BLOOD... all the migrains I'll have to put up with...

I think that's all for today... I'm tired....


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