Tuesday, May 10, 2005

sooo bummed out....


this can be quite irritating... now that i dont see you.... i have to put this shit up??!!

what the heck laa...

so yeah... quit beaufort at sentosa to join starbucks....

today had a class the HQ at GB Building....

SERVICE AT STARBUCKS... by Adzhar... 5pm to 10pm...

Adzhar's some store manager at Starbucks Toa Payoh which is shutting down soon...

boring class I must say... made me restless and all with countless, repetitive questions....

Nonetheless, it's the class every barista went thru' to make Starbucks what it is.... It's such a wonder... A boring class could yield a bunch of enthusiastic, cheerful, lively service.... Interesting aint it? Irony.....

Ok so... nothing to say about it.... Still have to complete my Learning Journal.... with specific answers to my SMART goals... damn laaa....

But I got to know my classmates better... they are truly the nicest ppl...

Kavan... More casual with him now... Feel like having a new younger bro... cant believe that guy NEVER went clubbing before.... looking at how "ah beng" he is.... hehe... Kavan, if you stumble your way here, I'm truly sorry...

And yeah... Shaun is very enthu.... So is the ever- cheerful Hidayat... Somehow.... after the MRT ride just now, I realised that the person who's probably in the same stage in life with me is Anas... judging by the way he speaks... but dunno him much... quite a quiet one... still dunno his true age.... bitches and sluts!

And Milo, despite appearing all gender- confused, she'd probably the most matured one in the class... Love the tattoos... Fiona... the sweet, charming humourous one who has the Lonerz quality.... She'd probably be in Lonerz were she in Cedar and my age.... hmm.... Shi Wei and Geraldine dunno how much potential they have in making more money.... I guess to can call these two PASSIONATE.... ppl that Starbucks would truly appreciate....

But Seek.... seems to be a know- it- all... nice but a bit too innocent and uptight... she seems to be the one to want power and control... she's nice and all.... but the vibes she gives, the energy she radiates seems quite too negative... well who knows, I might be wrong, ey?

I'm dead tired man... You've got to accept this... cos I'm editting no more, bitch!


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