Thursday, May 12, 2005

work, work and more work....

my sis' a bitch!

ok... we planned... if both of us get a job elsewhere, shifts are supposed to be FLEXIBLE... but no.... that ass had to choose one that's fixed... so now after in- store training, i HAVE to run back to the shop...

my knees feel wobbly...

like i'm gonna fall anytime soon....

and i've yet to use my espresso machine cos the class yest sucked... and Anas had to irritate me later... wanted me to play drums, but me not confident aa... i mean i need lotsa practise and rest and most of all TIME for all this again... i have to be commited...


but yet, i'm still considering it... cos he wants to pay.... hmmmm...

$$$!!! can u see my eyes brimming GREEN???? HAHAHAHA...

and yeah.... a secret to big breasts: SOY MILK..... I'll try that... sounds natural... or maybe it's too late for me... damn laa... they're already sagging, man.... i can feel the weight....

and yeah... more considerations:

1) Abriz's wedding in Chicago in July
2) Hostel in NTU which also begins in July
3) Playing rebana for dikir peformance at end-year for some two hoots
4) Manifest in July

please God... help me...

I'll turn straight... as a rod...

Anw, met this guy, Aziz... damn cute... and humourous... when we quarrel, he always win... shows intelligence and determination... but still, a chimney... but i dun care much aa... so yeah...a heterosexual i aspire to be...

ok... where was i again?

oya... God please hear my plea... help me... please... I cant cope running from tampines to changi to bugis, and soon to boon lay, all my life.... give me peace and serenity.... and give me sleep... Amin...

today, learnt POS register... i dun really like it...gotta practise drink calling man... i suck... i still like blended beverages and LOVE dishes... i really wanna meet this guy Sam... I'm sure we'll make great friends... Lili is still a child, behind all that 'teacher' or shud i say 'Learning Coach' facade... She nice...

ok... my backbone's aching.... i wanna complete my learning journal...

goodnite, doc... til we meet again....


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