Tuesday, May 17, 2005

wobbly knees all over again...

ok... today was a great day.... 16/17 May 2005...

first, met pak to buy cheesecake for his dad's b'day at TM with Salleha. Sal belanja me movie. The Interpreter. Quite good. Sheesh. Seriously miss Sal and Pak. And so gossiped at Delifrance. Gossipmongers we are. And i seriously pity Pak. Cannot go out and all. And on top of that, cannot go out with GF, Ashedah. So sad rite? And Sal bought me a pink mirror and lotsa combs and a pair of minah earrings.... AAAAWWWWWWW..... So shweeeet.....

Then rushed to work in a cab...

At work, Lili gave me Perlini's studs. Like AAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW.... So Shweeeeeet.... So touching...... something like she fought with Khalid... dunno wad happen...

And i think I'm getting a hang of POS register and connecting with customers. Kinda like the whole thing.

But suddenly there was this bitch who referred Faizah as a bastard. So rude!! She even wanted to throw the coffee at Has's face! And was creating a scene and all. And then security came. Think now she's banned from starbucks. She called us starfucks and wanted a saucer beneath a MUG??!! Like how do u use a mug usually??? Only TEACUPS comes with saucers. Then she complained that our coffe sucked. And get this: she doesn't know wad a stirrer is! Like where did she come from?? Think she's a lil' sort up there. So then Has settled it with the police, Aszy got to know about it and even the HQ was informed of it. Has said it's the first time this ever happened. Sympathise Faizah and Has. They were victimised just for a $2 cup of coffee. As for Adnan, forever kepo-ing. Trying to make everyone stay cool and all, but these are girls man. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

So life continues and then after everything, went down to Pacific Coffee. Nice place sia, but too many cameras. They have couches evrywhere, papers, cute lanterns and even PCs for internet. We, as friends, get free drinks and of course, free internet...

Went back up and got all the free mark- out pastries. After eating a while, Stinky John, a.k.a Resident Evil of Starbucks T2, left. Leaving a trail. Guess wad? HE PEE-ED ON THE COUCH!!!!! Like EEEEEWWWWW. Think his diaper leaked. Thank God I wasn't down for graveyard shift. Shafa cleaned that up. Again, report to Aszy.

So now back at home reporting to you.

Lili is so sweet sia. She actually saved me a lemon tart just now. I really owe her. And she's the only one who bothers about us, trainees, not forgeting Faizah too. These people really care. I mean Kavan and I went in like Gundus but was welcomed by their love and warmth. Lili and Faizah, I love you guys.

And last week, my birthday. Merv offered to buy me cake and immediately, Aszy gave us money to buy Sweson's Ice Cream cake. So shweeeeeeet. So touching. But seriously, i felt touched and thankful to have wonderful, sweet partners. I never expected this, especially that now I'm still a trainee. Feel like crying sia.

And seriously, it's all this lil' things that make your day. The gift, although little, becomes more meaningful, more significant and more memorable. Like what Lili said: Be nice to people, and you'll get so much more in return.

And I rushed to meet Loners at Funan. Swenson's again. They personalised all my gifts! AAAAAAAWWWWWW... I just coulnt stop aaaawwww-ing.... They are really sweet. We got lotsa free stuff cos of the birthday girl. Friday the 13th, mind you. We spent 88 bucks. (See pics below).

So yeah, life sounds like a bed of roses rite now. But I know that THIS is the time I should panic and be most careful. Prepare for something bad to happen cos right now, this happiness had better be for real...

Alhamdulillah... Thank You God... I love you too...


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