Thursday, June 09, 2005

Missing you....

Ok... Just came back from dinner with an old old friend, Aidil...

Missed you and now missing you again....

ok... Surprisingly (and oddly) enough, Lin didn't eat the oysters.. (Look at photos below and see Lin for yourself- spelled 'Lynn')

9 partners are down with food poisoning... and we suspect the oysters...

So now I'm doing extra work to cover shifts of some of the people...

May you guys get well soon ya? Don't make me hate to work.. I just work 12 damn hrs yeaterday....

Anw, it looks like this blog may have some fan from Miami... Interesting... hmmm...

And yeah.. I feel a lil' lonely rite now.. Cos now life is all about working, sleeping, shitting and (sometimes) eating.. The places I go are only the airport, home and at times, Bussorah...

Salleha, Lonerz and Aidil & co., I miss you guys soo much.. Thanx for calling and saying hi and all...

Oya.... Cant wait for Manifestasi 2005.... A MUST watch!

I even miss the tv... Can you believe that?

I sound so pathetic...

And doc, dun worry.. I miss you too... But we'll meet this weekend rite? So hang on (and prepare youself, hehe) ya?


Blogger said...

you've got quite an imagination.. haha... maybe I'll get some photos this weekend... got a party to go this 16th and 17th... just hope i dun get high or something... wont bother to take pics at that state..

8:51 PM  
Blogger said...

forget about the photos... i aint goin to that party... some personal reason....

7:33 PM  
Blogger said...

hmmm.... dun worry about him... he's a nice guy, actually.. this blog is actually created for him... 'deardarlingdoc'... and no, he's not my boyfriend or something... guys in singapore just dun comment as frankly as you do..

9:52 PM  

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