Thursday, June 02, 2005


Ok. Problems starting to surface at work. But let's get to that later. Mind you, I have a feeling that this is gonna be long...

Salleha and I have decided to get the hostel together. So yeah Sam will go with Usha. Aisyah, hmm, I don't know, but she hasn't made any effort to call whatsoever, in any occasion. Normally, I end up calling ppl for plans. So heck, Salleha, be careful. Ahem.. And Ain, she wants to get a stranger as a roommate. Hope she gets one of those geeky China scholars or something. Hahaha... So much for "comforting" your new lonely roommate... Zubaidah and Vidya, good luck to you guys! (I don't know what to say)..

And Canada won Miss Universe. I thought Venezuela's hot, but her spoken English is somewhat like Pak's, if you know what I mean. Fark liked Dominician Rep. She's hot laa.. But I dunno.. She's not edgy enough for me. Too Barbie. Now is the age of Bratz! Well, guys... Typical of em... Canada won because, I think, she represents the liberation of women and portrays much youth and energy despite her simple answer during the Q & A session. She's got the 'East meets West' kinda look. So yeah congrats Canada! I'm done getting off... Aaaarrgghh... (Cracking my back and smoking in bed) That felt good..

Ok now.. If you guys only want to hear good stuff, then close this window 'cos now, I'm gonna bitch...

Work. Didn't expect this, but shit happens.

I was doing my first graveyard with Sam, remember? Then 3 airport police guys went up to me to get my bloody number. Naturally, I gave them Aishah's, cos she likes to deal with this kind of ppl.. (You know, those type who believe that sweet talking a girl thru smses will sweep them off their feet) I told Sam I gave them a wrong number. I mean it's true waaad. So this is wad I believed Sam thought: "Poor guy, must be some apek's number that he gave a missed call to." At that moment, I let Sha (Aishah) handle them after informing her about giving out her no. as mine.

And then, next morning, this guy who I believe is Randy or Rudy or something, sms Sha and asked where she is. She said she just woke up. Me, I was at work doing dishes, when I got an sms from Sha telling me to avoid him at work. Happy I was with the dishes until I realised the camera. BAM! He's watching! So then, troubled as I was, used the comm book to express my frustration with the camera.

So now, Sam read the comment and thinks I'm a liar. For the whole time he thought that the flirt was over and that I'm a lesbian, none of it is far from over. Sorry Sam, there are somethings meant only for a girl to know and do. And what I wanna know is, why are you protecting buayas??

The homophobic acting gay.. The loser poser: An Indian posing as Nigga.. The lost poser: A gay disguised homophobic...

(hehe.. Sam, if you ever really read this, I'm sorry... Never meant to hurt you or something.. Just want to kill you, that's all)

(This section has been deleted due to 'VIOLENT OBJECTION')

Main point/ lesson learnt from CASE 2: If you do feel uncomfortable about something I said, please confront me immediately. Don't go behind my back, telling each other to tell me that you feel uncomfortable with what I said.

It minimises misunderstanding and my phone bill... Thank you very much...

Ok that's all the negetivity I've got to ooze out tonite...

All I'm saying is, keep things cool ya? Don't take it too hard cos it may complicate situations that are initially very simple and mindless in the first place.


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