Saturday, June 18, 2005

Something about...

Ok... Since JC, people always thought I'm a lesbian, especially guys...

Although most of them do not support homosexuality (maybe due to religion, or something), they do get turned on by lesbians (mind you, NEVER by gay guys)...

Some deny it but most gave that 'gimme more!' look.. and later, make comments like 'lesbians are such selfish creatures'..

I've always taken that as a compliment..

But recently, alot alot of my female friends turned into one themselves (or so they claim)... So I started thinking whether it's just something ppl my age go thru or that maybe it's some stupid trend that will pass or is it just natural?

Are lesbians natural?

I mean physically, women are just unable to fuck other women...

I mean like have you ever wondered why women stare at other women's boobs?

or why women watch Miss Universe when they don't give two fucking hoots about world peace?

or why we buy magazines featuring beautiful women while men buy magazines featuring the same beautiful women?

Women simply get turned on by women too... And don't you dare deny that.. And men rarely get turned on by men... (correct me if I'm wrong)

I mean seriously, women are just beautiful creatures, towards men... and women...

So if it's ok for girls to hold hands, what about guys?

I think women express emotions far more freely than men do... and so, be accused of disrupting human reproduction and survival just because we kiss and hug one another...

I mean I've kissed lotsa girls but it doesn't have to mean anything...

When my female friends come crying to me with their issues, I'll hug them and stroke them and if it's a real big thing, stay with them the whole nite, hugging them to sleep...

Does that mean I have tendencies towards women?

If so, then I think all of us (women) are in fact, lesbians..

And as they say, men can just get turned on by the sight of a thong, while women, we need more... We need the human touch... And if we're just too ugly to get a man to do it for us, other lonely women are always out there...

And for some, men are just no good with their hands...

So to me, there's no such thing as a lesbian... That discrimination is only used by pretty women owned by shallow guys to put down other smarter, lonely women who aren't that lucky..

And I know some lesbians out there might disagree with me, saying that men are dirt and all... but I cannot deny, men can be HOT too..

They might even claim that they have a child with both their genes 'cos now, technology has made that possible... But I'm talking about 'the attraction'... more like sexual attraction rather than the ability to reproduce without men...

So are there any REAL lesbians out there?

Am I just compromising principles here or do you agree???


Blogger said...

what i meant was to be blessed with good looks/ body or to be loved might be considered lucky...

8:56 AM  
Blogger said...

who are you talking to?

doc didn't even say anything yet...

1:01 PM  

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