Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Dinner @ The Rice Table

Ok.. Like I said in the previous post, I'm forever dining out..

On 3rd October 2005, partners of Starbucks T2 had dinner at The Rice Table... Nice posh place but small along with small servings of food.. Personally I liked the food from the previous dinner we had (Scroll down the side bar on the right and go to 'recycle bin', click on the June archives, scroll down to the post titled: THE Dinner)..

The dinner required us to bring along a gift, alike Lonerz Day (see Aug 16 post), to be exchanged with another partner... I, as usual, bought the gift right before the dinner.. My gift ended up in Chritine's hands..

It was also somewhat a farewell dinner for Has, who is leaving us on Friday.. I will miss her... Especially because she was there to club with me for the LAST time..

And I forgot to buy Lili's birthday gift (another birthday, and I'll have to eat grass)..

After the dinner, guess where we hung out?? Yes.. Starbucks Suntec.. WTF..

Photos, photos, photos.. 38 of em below... I realised that I like to curl my tongue, Lili likes to potrude her lips, Has likes to stick out her tongue and Adnan likes to look like an ape... hehe..

Sorry I didn't take photos with the newcomers: Khai and Christine... Christine, welcome to the big famiy, gurrll..

And Sam and Khalid and as usual, Huda, can't make it...

(Click to get em at 1024 pixels)

The present (which I managed to wrap in the cab, hehe)

Best friends...

The 'fun' side... (Adnan incl.)

You know what he reminds you of, everyone knows..

Food, glorious food!

Lili and her famous finger all BLING! BLING!..

Don't be an extra, Khai..

The MOST EXCITING manager to work with..

Getting grouchier with every moment of gobbling missed..

Camera shy... (Rite...)

Another Mac Donald's ad.. (Adnan can't stop being ape- ish)

Clubbish atmosphere... oo yeah...

Mafia- wannabes

First, Mev not ready..

Then, Faizah is tooo ready..

Introducing the family (clockwise from Mev: Mafia- daddy, Stepmom, The angry child, The wild child and The neglected child...

And finally, the happy family.

Halle Berry and Heryati Berry (Berry pretty)

menage a trois

Okaay.. I think we a room..

On Friday, I shall look at this, and weep... Bye Has..

The friendly waiter.. (probably getting frustrated with us,look at that fake smile?!)

I'm such a paedophile...

Oh my God, not the face! No! No!

The lesbian couple just can't help themselves anymore.. (ooo.. Lili's got a looong tongue.. Sluuurrrrrrrpp!!)

The 'Bondage' couple...

Body builder (ironically smoking at the back..)

Azsy speeching..

Has tearing up..

Will be missed...

Has' looong speech...

The face still haunting me....

Aszy's gift!

The baker and the cookie monster..

I love you too...

Salleha thinks we came 'from the same side of the family'... I think it's the colgate smile and our chins..

Starbucks T2 rocks!

Cam, ader cicak eh?


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