Monday, September 26, 2005


ok.. I came to school early today to catch my first tutorial at 8.30 a.m...

But, I had the sudden urge to get Mac Donald's breakfast...

So after I alighted the cab, I banged on my hostel room door and woke Salleha from her slumber, threw my 5kg bag on my bed and rushed off to mac's...

It's now almost 9a.m...

See how pointless life is???

I have another 11 hours before my assignment is due today at 8p.m.

Done half of it tho'...

Today, it's my clumsy day... When I got onto the bus this morning, my HUGE bag hit a small primary school kid.. On side view, you can see that my bag is 1 and a half times as wide as I am and probably thrice the size of that kid... BAM! I hope he's ok.....

On the train, I stepped on a lady's toes while she was asleep...

And just now, I dropped a container with about 50 pins in it...

So yeah...

I blame it on lack of sleep...

This post is probably the only one in quite a while I'm only talking about MYSELF... what's truly disturbing me...

So yeah.. I havent slept in the past... hmmmmm... 27 hours?

And I have 4 lectures later and Lonerz will go out at 6pm today to get Bed's presents...

Another thing I should mention...

I'm freaked out by myself... Been keeping quiet lately and refusing to talk... Beginning to HATE noises and people and WALKING and listening... I'm even beginning to hate my family... I dunno why... God, please, show me a sign... Is it really me? Or is everyone else a part of your simulation test for me??

I want everybody to LEAVE ME ALONE and FUCK OFF!

I went out last night for dinner with my parents and found my mom sooooooo annoying... Like childish annoying... Like I- want- my- lollipop- and- I- want- it- red kinda annoying... I can see regret in my dad's eyes and somewhat fear... Their marriage is gone... They don't need to pretend... Everyone knows... Then again, you cannot blame mama... Dad started all this...

And that night later, Farhan got horny again and we met and I think I annoyed myself more knowing that I pushed him away... More than he is annoyed at me... Seriously, not in the mood... Not in ANY mood to do ANYTHING...

I'm becoming a FREAK...

Starting to miss work.. I know I have been busy lately... Trying to catch time for sch, work, cca's, appointments, outings, family and assignments, but seriously, I'm only working 2 days a week and it's making me sick...

Something good about work: You don't need to think, you get FREE FOOD, meet cute guys from Australia and Europe, smell coffee all day and talk crap to people you don't have any form of attachment to...

And school is just too 'thinking'...

I found a sleeping pill today... hmmmmmmmmm....


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