Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Shall we dance?

Ok.. a total of 11 mosquito bites..

7 on my legs and 4 on my arms.. I blame the shorts but I cant help feeling hot..

And yeah, I've got two other girls with me in shorts.. One on each side... (No wonder it's hot!)

We've been watching both versions of 'Shall We Dance?'. The original in Japanese and the remake with Jennifer Lopez and Richard Gere.. Bet all of u guys dunno that! Salleha and Aisyah are now asleep, as usual, leaving me wide awake in the middle of the nite, smothering myself with lotions that dun seem to help...

How come they dun get the bites?

Been having lotsa memories triggered last few nites thru my dreams.. Rarely do I get dreams, but these are important for me to share..

Last time this happened was when a dear friend took her own life, as you all know..

Ok another bite... And to think Sal's tutor is down with dengue..

Let's not sidetrack.. Dreams dreams dreams...

I've cheated.. And it's not once or twice or thrice.. And last nite, I dreamt of the times I cheated Abriz.. Both times.. I feel bad now and realised why he's happily married now and why I'm still stucked single, schooling and itching so badly..

I think it was the question that Salleha asked the night before,

"So is he happily married now?"

"I guess so."

It's quite scary.. 'Cos both times, I deliberately did it.. Not for revenge, but out of boredom.. Trying to prove myself that a boy- girl relationship can NEVER be serious enough for my full commitment and trust..

When I was is Turkey, I even forgot his face (or even being) while passionately making out with a jerk turk underwater.. I didn't reply msgs or picked up his calls..

Then I remembered the time with Ryan in Aust.. I wasn't drunk, but just plain horny and gave in..

Seriously, I've been questioning myself the message behind these dreams..

Finally linked it to my unstoppable lecture- and tutorial- skipping habits.. I just can't commit, cant get bored... Pampered and spoiled to the core, not appreciating or evaluating the opportunites PRESENTED to me..

And also to my sex- deprivation for the past 6 weeks of school... It's driving me nuts! So just now, I finally gave Farhan the green light.. I mean these sinful acts of cheating must have been an act of boredom.. Boredom of physical inactivity..

Please, Yati.. WAKE UP!!!!


Blogger said...

not that i wanna get married.. haha.. wow.. what a thought.. I always pictured myself growing old as a spinster living in a big house with 40 cats and being wheeled around by a maid.. haha..

just felt guilty that i solved my problems by running away rather than facing them...

12:09 PM  

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