Tuesday, July 26, 2005

First Day of School... Again....


That's what I felt...

It all began at night actually..

Day 1: Sunday, July 24

Had dinner at West Coast with my parents.

Moved into the room. Brought some of my clothes, basic stuff, the mini bar and Salleha. Met the neighbours and guess what?? They were from TPJC*! Munirah and Shahidah.

I remembered Munirah as 'Best Dressed' at Prom and Shahidah freaked me out a lil' just now 'cos she seems to be soooo into NTU. She seems to know EVERYTHING and has all the lecture notes possible. Swept and mopped the room and visited Usha and Samz at the next block.

We watched a french movie at their place using Samz's laptop. Love Me If You Dare. Loved its element of bitchiness. Ended around 1.30 a.m. Went back, unpacked, showered and slept at around 3.30 a.m.

*TPJC is TamPines Junior College

Day 2: Monday, July 25

Salleha and I went exploring the Canteens nearby our block. Canteen 1 sucked, full of you-know-who(s) staring at us walking by, with most of the stalls closed at 9 a.m.

Canteen 2 was livelier with everyone queing for the toast and milo at the drink stall. I just got a limeade and a slice of watermelon and then queued up for a cheese waffle while Sal watched me eat.

Went for the orientation. We, Usha, Aisyah and I, were late. So we ended up NOT in the Nanyang Audi, but the Exhitbition Hall above it to watch the whole orientation LIVE via a projector. Of course, with no authorities hanging around there, we made alot of noise and comments.

The door gift was a scholarly, geeky looking bag with a whole lot of stick notes, a stick light and an planner in it. I personally liked the planner. The rest sucked.

Salleha was sitting with her ol' pal, Shaheeda, somewhere. Speeches after speeches from boring, important people of the sch made me sleepy. So slept for a while, laughed for a while and finally took some oath to honour sch and bla bla bla. Watched a dumb skit and the choir perform. Had some stupid 'light- up' with the light sticks.

Best moment: THE FOOD! (after the whole crap above)

My gawd... Get me out of there!

So we went outside the Audi, lost. People set up some gaming booth playing PS2 for some reason I apparently don't know of. And... I found THE COFFEE CLUB! yayness...

Aisyah had to met her friend. So now it's just Usha and me. We went to the CCA recruitment fair that had horrible karaoke IN MANDRIN. What fuck??!!

Signed up for a Hip Hop class with Usha. And then walked a bit further, when I got tired and went back to my room. It was 12.15 p.m.

Landed on my bed and felt my shoulders slllooooowwlllyyyyy paralysing. Before you know, it was already 1.30 p.m. I was awoken by the noise Salleha and her friends made, excited to visit our room. My gaaawdd. I didn't give a fuck and fell back into slumber. Bam! Time check: 2.30 p.m. Got out of bed and washed up to do some shopping of my own.

Salleha was at her school's orientation. Went to Carrefour at Suntec to get some food supplies and cushions. Went back, found Salleha tired and then went shopping again at Jurong Point.

Within 1 hour, we spent around $300! Bought a TV, an ironing board, some nonsense stuff like hooks and laundry baskets. Hopped into a cab and popped back at our place to settle the new things in and tune the TV. We got all the channels we need including Malaysia's TV 3...


That felt fast..

Day 3: Tuesday, July 26

Today I had lectures. Was supposed to have 4, but naturally, I only went to 2 of them. Skipped the other 2 for 3 other fucking Fs: FREE DRINKS, FOOD and FAIRS!

Explored the Canteen. Found a Mc Donald's and the library for my collection of lecture notes. Tushara, Usha's sis, was a useful guide who pointed out all the lecture theatres, eateries, labs, etc. Went back to the CCA fair to sign up for the photo- videographic society, the Muslim society and some international club. CCA fair ended today.

Went to collect my matric card where I got a College of Engineering polo tee. Ugly thing it was. I think 70% of engin student are fucking China scholars!

Salleha had no lectures, for the whole week and stayed in the room like a loyal, filial housewife, watching TV and keeping the place neat.

After the 3rd lecture, I went back to my room to still find her there.

Then I got to Samz's to use her laptop and met Aisyah.

Proceeded to Aisyah's room at another hall... So we travelled from Hall 2 to Hall 11..

Aisyah's roomate, who ALL of us (including Aisyah) have not met, labels everything like some freak, afraid of people using her furniture, with her name.

Get this:
Labels were found on her bed, her desk, her shelf and her wardrobe. Maybe I should check out for a girl who has her FOREHEAD labelled. And on her bed, there were no pillows and the bed sheet was made up of plastic sheet, red. Where did she come from???? The military????

I warned Aisyah to take care of herself... Some roomate she got... And the toilets in her block is a COMMON TOILET... I appreciate my room sooooo much now...

Then I left for home with Aisyah on a long train ride back to Tampines 'cos there's no school tomorrow and that I can't stand being trapped in the Manjen*- filled hell hole.. Salleha decided to stay.. Despite not having lessons the whole week..

I missed my mom and home and work tooooo much.. Past 2 days without work made me lethargic I guess.. Feel like falling apart..

Printing my notes online...

*manjen- yellow people in tamil...

I'm bummed. SAVE ME!!!!


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