Thursday, June 30, 2005

school, again?

Ok... went to the university to go for the medical check up and to settle some financial matters today...

NTU is just FULL of Chinese... seriously, there was only ONE Indian guy just now (who is a researcher, not a student) I spotted.. And he's the only guy willing to give proper directions.. And I, naturally, seem to be the only Malay there.. 'Cos even Salleha looked Chinese..

Sore thumb...

It felt like China..

Then again, the Chinese takes up almost one- fifth of the world population!

At the medical centre, it was empty, unlike what Salleha predicted.. Had a visual eye test and a urine test (which I did not go for).. Then got lost a lil', finding the Student Services Centre...

Gaawd, Salleha has NO sense of direction whatsoever, but insists on leading...

Then a stupid gardener came to us and shouted at us to go to a particular direction...

I already sensed it was wrong and wanted to turn back, but NOOO... Salleha wanted to try to listen to the grass- eating (and -cutting) idiot..

So we wandered lost for about 45 min, until she finally gave up and followed my sense instead... Of course we got there (ahem!) and paid for our hostel application charges and submit all shitty forms available..

So in the end, for the rest of the the journey, she told me to navigate...

To think that we're in Singapore! Imagine if she were in China or something...

But then again, we'll make the perfect pair cos I can't drive... I'll get into an accident in within 3 seconds... Haha... So she 'll drive and I'll read the map...

Then went for our X-ray scan... Hope they don't find anything unusual like a loose screw in my head or something.. haha...

So, lesson learnt: NEVER listen to a crazy gardener...

Then we went to Cineleisure to watch Mr. and Mrs. Smith...

Angelina's hot!!!! And Brad Pitt looks old....

Action- packed and funny... But there's not much of a story in it... Highly recommendable for a mindless, joyful, work- free day....

Hmmm... which reminds me, I work graveyard tmr...

Guess who I'll be working with?

Yes, the ear- biting Leo...


Blogger wahkauz said...

you seem to not like chinese?
hope its not for long.
cos its not healthy =)

11:23 PM  
Blogger said...

It's not that I don't like Chinese... Just that EVERYWHERE I go, they seem to be there... It's like an overpopulation... Or more like over- migration... Like they hate to stay in their own China... Sorry if offended...

3:22 PM  
Blogger said...

Do the Chinese government encourage their ppl to migrate elsewhere? Cos China university scholars here are annoying the fuck out of local students... And so are the China athletes...

I mean in China, they're nobody cos there's a big talent pool... So they come here, they're good and end up taking our places in university, in sporting events and taking away our jobs although thay can't even communicate in English...

And something I realise about them is they care ONLY for money... They can't care about blending in by learning simple English or sharing skills or even dressing up less outlandish, etc.

Am I right? wahkauz, are you from China?

3:44 PM  

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