Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Crazzzy ass..

Amin, stop it! Fark has nothing to do with me hating you...

Then again, at moments when ALL guys seem to be jerks and asses, a real gentleman comes by to prove you wrong...

This guy came by all smiley, greeted us, requested his tea and muffin with all his please's, paid in exact change, talked to me like I'm without the apron, tipped generously, thanked us, cleared his table himself without the need to be wiped and...

is gorgeous! (complete with a cute smile and dimples)

HE should be working instead... I'll serve him ANYTIME... It's about time a customer treats me like one..

I feel humanised all over again...

And I'm sure you gurls don't wanna hear this... but... he has only one arm! And ppl with 2 arms eat like birds- no fingers and lips! We baristas are expected to wipe their crap and sweep the crumbs...

Such a sweetheart.. Seriously, I don't care if he's blind, deaf and lame... He already has my heart.. He's perfect...

And of course he has to come from L.A. and is flying off to Jakarta...

Are all other nice guys out there flying off too?? Stop by Starbucks!

And to think I didn't even get his name....



Blogger said...

what you mean shop around? for guys?

6:50 PM  
Blogger said...

oya... do ppl in miami clear their tables by themselves? In singapore, ppl don't... cleaners are hired and so customers usually leave their crumbs and plates...

7:01 PM  
Blogger said...

I don't get it... What did she mean "we're young"?

And what has it got to do with shopping for guys?

3:26 PM  
Blogger said...

ooo yeah...

have to agree with you... cos now I'm goin thru a whole lot of losers.. haha..

marriage... hmmm.. never really sat down to think about it... but culture here, among the malays, it should be done before you're 30...

and with that said, I thought I'll never get married... need more time, i think...

Anw, how 'bout you? marriage at 39?

3:29 PM  
Blogger said...

oya... 49... so you're married twice?

wow... and I thought only celebrities don't have lasting marriages...

what do you think of co- habiting as compared to marriage? Does marriage change you?

Haha... a 3rd?? Slow down... and be careful with your money if you do get a young 3rd one...

10:13 PM  

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