Wednesday, June 22, 2005

So sick...

Ok... I'm falling sick...

You know when you get the feeling of falling sick and then try to do all sorts of shit to prevent it from taking over the rest of your body?


Went to KL on monday and got the feeling there... And so yesterday it's full- blown... And still blowing hard (into the tissue paper) today...

I've tried having more rest, drinking only plain water, taking panadol, avoiding 'heaty' food such as milo and even tried the traditional chicken soup.... But NONE of them work!

And I had to do graveyard yesterday... So I looked pale with my eyes lined red and my lips blue... Kavi thought some vampire came around midnight and bit me hard... Haha... cute thought... Always wanted to know how it feels like to be one... And I will be doing graveyard today (later) and tmr...

Congratulations to me... I asked for it...

Oya... Didn't take any photos at KL... But it was hazy and traffic was bad... Maybe that's how I fell sick...The air there was so terrible that a day of shopping outdoors can turn your ears black... And I havn't mentioned shoes...

But of course prices there are always slashed half (compared to here)... And so I got some clothes tailored there... Can you believe that 4 women can spend RM 1880 on tailoring alone?? This excludes the cost of the material itself... Exchange rate was 2.26... RM 2.26= SGD 1...

Shocking fact: KL has one of the highest HIV cases in the world... And to think that most of the prostitues there are actually transexuals...

Their clients must've been so drunk, they don't know what hit them!

And yeah... the lesbian post... I realised that alot of women do find it a compliment to be called lesbian... They think it's hip and cool and all...

Ida came up to me yesterday and told me that it's soooo cool that most guys think I'm lesbian.... Like what the....? She spilled out everything the guys talked about... behind my back...

Apparently, most girls ACT lesbian to attract guys at clubs... So to Ida, I'm like the ultimate sex goddess now cos alot of her guy friends are asking for the lesbian's (my) number...

Gaaaawwwdd.. I shouldn't have went clubbing with her... NEVER again... Now I have weird horny guys sms- ing me...

I feel really stupid... And used... I mean, seriously, am I just satisfying guys' lustful fantasies? Am I a part of every of their wild imagination of having a two- way? How many guys have fantasied fucking me?

I feel like a whore... Although all of it never happened, it's reaaaallly sad knowing that guys (some of whom are even close friends), think of me that way... Am I more than that? I know I can't control what guys fantasize about... But... nvm....

Ida brought in a whole new definition to lesbian..

Maybe it's a trend....

I feel lousy...

And I'm having a headache....

So sorry if you can't stand this negetivity....


Blogger said...

so is it all just lust, actually?

3:25 PM  

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