Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Progress.... NOT!

Wow... felt like ages since I wrote in...
And you can stop bugging me, doc...

Ok... Lets see... what happened... hmm...

1) Watched Fantastic 4 on Friday with Salleha after my urine test at NTU...

Torch is HHHHHOOOOOTTTT!!! Good thing I gave War of Worlds a miss for this!
And Jessica Alba turns me on!!!!! But the blonde was out.... She's got some bod...
5 fuckin STARS!!!!! *****

On the other hand, the urine test was disgusting... I never had to aim into a cup... so yeah... go figure!

2) Bumped into Jen a.k.a. Khairul a.k.a. the Rebana master on the same day...

Guys grow shorter in NS... sad isn't it? That was the first time (i think) he sincerely was happy to bump into me... First time he made REAL eye contact and asked stuff about me...

3) Hostel application approved... will pay 300 reebas this fri...

4) Went to Ayer Hitam... Bought a -The Nightmare Before Christmas- mini bolster..

5) Bought more cotton pillows today for my new room... A normal pillow and a bolster...

6) Made progress in my goals by reading more of the papers and doin less shopping...

Ok that was all that happened... I'm seriously tired... but heck...

Doc, is it true that what happened affected my mating preferences?


Blogger sotongmabok@hotmail.com said...

ok... something bad happened to me a long time ago... affected me quite alot...

as a muslim guys get to go for 4 at a go...

I as a woman don't mind that tho'... I don't mind sharing... Haha..

Weird but true..

11:13 PM  
Blogger sotongmabok@hotmail.com said...

Anw, the pictures...

Quite true... Asian men are less "manly" physically...

They have no angles on their faces..

And no shoulders...


We women are lucky 'cos women are supposed to be shorter and maybe fleshier...

If I had more "manlier" men in my life, I'd probably swear by heterosexuality...

11:22 PM  

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