Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Stop screaming...

Life has been nothing but work... Did graveyard just now, will do another graveyard today and on thursday...

I can already hear the crickets...

Thing about graveyard is, it's easier than M2, tougher than opening (cos of the mopping).. You'll become nocturnal, earn extra $14 a night, take home tonnes and tonnes of marked out cakes and pastries, lose the nightlife and have no quality time with the TV, family and friends... It's all about the money..

And I like it...

Something interesting to remember... Our dishwasher was down recently.. So we started serving everything to go... We removed all the mugs beside the Verismo, bussed with all happiness ('cos paper is apparently lighter than ceramic and that we need not do any washing) and have 8 bags of trash to pack...

Curls and Cam came in the morning and asked why there were no mugs... Scheming lil' ol' Has and Lin started a whole new drama by replying that the night before, Faizah, Kavan and I dropped ALL the mugs and broke ALL of 'em... ALL 80++ mugs...

Sound ridiculous?

Apparently not... 'Cos even Kavi came in and believed the whole lie.. Haha! I bet Has and Lin choked to death laughing.. These 3 we're in a huge shock and fear of being mugless for the WHOLE shift of 8.5 hrs!

It's amazing how people can be so herd- minded.. And it doesn't matter that all the mugs are kept in the cupboard, where we open up to make prep work and to stock up EVERY time before shift ends... I'm impressed by Has and Lin.. AND the trust ppl put in them... I could've never pulled that off..

And it seems that it's not only me who finds the pirate- wannabe freaky.. (um, the guy who wanted chocolate drizzle on his POTATO SALAD and later sprinkled chocolate and vanilla powder on it).. Everyone else does! He's got this perverted stare and make weird, stupid, senseless comments.. Every time I see him approaching, I'll hide behind the Verismo pretending to be busy..


But I like serving ppl like Mandy and Richard... Regulars at Starbucks who appreciate my service... A decaf, low- fat, partially- iced, wet cappucino and a low- fat latte... To think that they're both MEN and yet go low- fat...

I'm actually SO SO SO VERY afraid of school right now.. Just so tired of books and books and exams... I mean I can already see myself in my hostel room dying from lack of home- cooked food, math and transportation fees.. I can see myself complaing about my course which I hate (starting already) and be in great dilemma of choosing friends.. Aisyah, who is my all time ol' buddy ol' pal, has quite a reputation.. And ppl from Salleha's side don't seem to like her.. ALL of 'em.. So please God, help me...

My seniors ALWAYS said that they missed school and that work sucks... Well, I don't! I love my job and the thought of mugging all over again with a whole new bunch of geeks ain't comforting.. Working life is serious fun... Just don't go for the office jobs.. ANYTHING seems miss- able compared to office jobs..

And I miss swimming! And taking photos!

Boy, I feel like shitting..


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