Sunday, July 17, 2005

Whhhhhhaaaaaaaaat? Where?

On Friday, I finally got the keys to my hostel room!

Ok... Was quite irritated when I was queing for the keys... I couldn't understand a single fuckin word EVERYONE was saying (save Salleha)... So I was talking loudly to Salleha, making rude comments and fun of all the people there IN MALAY and got away without being scolded, (or understood), because....


My gawd, I almost had to apologise to the guy who attended to me for making him stop speaking Chinese for 2 seconds, just to give me the keys and the forms and ask for my particulars IN ENGLISH!

All of them there were probably thinking I was so happy to receive the keys 'cos I was laughing so badly while making fun of them... I'm bad... but I don't feel bad... I don't give a damn... They were probably doing the same to me IN CHINESE...

Ok... I'm not that racist, but if you were to go up to any non- Chinese there, they'll probably give the same view...

Met my Indian friends there, Usha and Samz, and they went,

"My gawd, sooo many MANJENS! (yellow people in Tamil)"

Ok... they don't irritate me that much, some of them are nice tho', BUT they like to talk in a sing- song manner... Singlish is bad enough, but going sing- song and making stupid comments like "excuse" instead of "excuse me" or like "its works" instead of "it works" or like "flappucino" instead of "frappucino" just makes me itch to laugh and sprawl all over the floor still laughing..

Ok... I've got to stop this evilllll... Let's get to another topic...

The room was better than I thought... smaller tho'... But the furniture seems new...

And the toilets are only shared by 3 other people! Yay! I was expecing a public toilet with 20 other people to share with... and was expecting rusty, military metal cupboards...

Ok.. aku ni jahat... aku nak the other 2 people to be cina- cina bukit tak mandi pagi... jadi pagi- pagi tak rebut toilet... haha!

doc, u understand rite?


Blogger said...

must be censored or rated R21... 'cos I saw some publicity but didn't get to watch it...

6:49 PM  

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