Saturday, July 30, 2005

I'm screwed...

Back home..... YYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!

Weekends never seemed soooooo bright......

Yesterday, Usha, Samz and Aisyah crashed my place to watch the O.C.

Of course.... Salleha wasn't there.... She's out of town or somethin....

We took loads of photos and munched on $20 worth of junk food (so much for jogging)... Fun nite we had... Aisyah lugged her dirty old pillow from her hall to mine...

Old secrets spilled that night... About our past ex-es, virginity, tendencies towards women and most importantly, SPG*- hood... (sarong party girl- a local term to describe women who only goes out with rich WHITE men often thought to be sluts)

Slept at 3.3oam....... I think...

I woke up early to catch my 9.30 lecture..

Boy was my head screwed... And doc, I swear, I didn't take anything!

No pills, nothing!

Anw, I made an order for a laptop today... Acer....

And got a shitload of tutorials to do....

Hell, I feel bad.... I know how much this meant to them and I didn't make it! But seriously, I don't think you guys can blame me... I had lectures til 6.30 p.m... The last lect was from 4.30 to 6.30, but I left at 5.15 p.m. so that I can order the laptop and withdraw money.... It took all the way til 6p.m cos NTU is fucking BIG! No kidding... And the grounds are slopey... So it's hard to get ard...
Anw, later got to my room and showered...
Time check: 7 p.m.
I was like,
"WHAT FUCK! I'll reach there by 9 plus!"
Miserrrrrrable I was... And now, I've got fucking HOMEWORK! A word not used for eons...
But tmr, I got work! YAYNESSSSSSSS! Finally! I'm starting to miss the smellllll of the store... And of course, the people....
Screwed I am....


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