Friday, September 02, 2005


Sorry for the long pause...

I know right now you might be thinking that I'm deliberately ignoring you just for revenge. But seriously, technology's not siding me now... I'm not even in my room facing my laptop... And I've been piling on unread e- mails from you and school... And I do realise that I cannot go back to my room every nite, just to blog... It's almost addictive and self- destructing... Doc, I don't mean to get mad at you, so please, don't get mad... I can't stand the hostility, the by- the- book procedures... It's driving me nuts, adding to my ever worrysome state of sanity...

Sorry for the photos...

Ok... I owe alot alot of ppl photos... But it ain't my fault ya... My 'I- don't- wanna- get- my- own- camera' sis just HAD to beg me for the camera for teacher's day... And she doesn't have her own card.. And so HAD to borrow mine with all my other photos in it...

So yeah photos I owe:
1) Usha's B'day
2) Samz' B'day
3) My grandmama's wedding
4) Khairul's farewell

Sorry for my absence...

Been missing lectures... I havnt been attending any lectures this week.. Today is my last chance to go for two lectures.. Later at 2.30 and another at 3.30 p.m. ... So yeah... I owe alot to Magd.. She's been there all the way for me in lectures... And sometimes I think I left her alone to attend lectures... Maybe she has already given up the idea of sitting with me in lectures ever again and now turns to her classmates for company... I didn't even know about the upcoming math quiz.. Anyway, Happy Belated Birthday, gurl... Soooo soooo sorry...

Sorry for the excuses...

(Eyes shut and hands clamped together) Sorry, Val... I didn't mean to work thursday nites and leave you hanging by the bar alone... So so sorry... Sorry to ppl I cancelled plans with so that I could catch sleep... And Val, ARE YOU BLIND?! I don't look like Angelina Jolie! At least I wish I did... Haha.. Now you have a guy fantasizing about the wrong person.. Bitches and sluts...


I've been wanting to kill someone so so bad...


You better watch out fucking bitch! How dare you evict Aisyah out of her own room??!!! DAMN YOU!!!

I will hunt you down and kidnap you and make you prey to Ain's sex deprivation...

I'm telling you, Ain's gonna rape you soo bad you'll have to pee through a tube! On a WHEELCHAIR!

I'll kill you!!!

Aisyah, how can you be soo damn calm about it???!!!!

ok... I'm tired to continue.. shall end here....




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