Saturday, August 06, 2005

NTU caaan be quite fun??

Adapting... Forever adapting...

Ok... I think I kinda like NTU... minus the irritating i- don't- bathe- EVER! smell in the lecture theatres...

Maybe because I bathe 2 to 3 times a day... I mean come fucking on! It's Singapore. It's hot and most importantly, HUMID!

But ppl in my tutorial class are quite good- smelling... And since I'm the only girl out of the class of 18, I smell good... (It's raining men!) ugly, intelligent ones tho...

Anw, let's stop complaining...

I like the ongoing fairs after fairs after fairs...

Sooooooo many events, so little time.. And due to that, classes are always rescheduled or CANCELLED all the time... next week, Wednesday is a holiday.. On 29 Aug, the Prime Minister, PM Lee Hsien Loong, is coming down... So we have a half day... YAAAAAYYY!!!!

And I just realised that lab work only starts on week 3 or 4.... YAAAAAAYYYY!!!

And the ground are supperrr slopey... So I get a work out EVERY TIME I walk.. I realised that this is useful in my busy, busy schedule... I don't actually need to hit the gym all the time... YAAAAAAYYYYYY!!

MacDonalds there is super cheap with PREMIUM Extra Value Meals that cost only $4++... And the lady behind the counter, who always end up serving me, is super nice.. And it's really great that my lectures and tutorials are always held nearby.. YAAAAYYY!!!

Salleha finally got a Hp of her own so I don't need to leave stupid notes on her desk all the time... YYAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!

Lonerz Day is coming this 16 AUG... Party, baby... YAAAAYYY!!!

I always end up working M2 so I always get a free ride back to campus... YYAAAAAAYYY!!!

This Sunday, I'll get my pay.... SUPER YYYAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!

My parents finally stopped quarrelling and my grandmama's getting married this 21st... YYAAAAAYYY!!!! (ooopppsss! haha.. failed to mention that to you, doc, sorry...)

I'll get my laptop next week.... YAAAAAYYYYY!!!!

Ok.. I'm getting annoyed hearing myself.. haha.. so i shall stop here, ya??


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