Sunday, October 02, 2005

Forever cramping...

Doc, next 2 weeks I'm sooooooo sorry... I wanna tell you personally, but you're always out! I bet you're free right now, but I think only crazy people call about unimportant things at this hour... And my whole objective is not to sound like one, right??

Business must be good ey?? I think you 'rugi' getting patients like me.. haha... Always blogging, never keeping appointments and lie half the time...

Last few days, I was very very cranky due to cramps... I know you don't care, but I think they aren't menstrual ones... I had a baaaaad fall on Fri... Shall not discuss about it here... Such an embarrassing fall...

And Aidil, please tell your wife about things.. Sometimes it's hard (or unneccessary) to express yourself, but believe me, wives like to be updated... They want to know their husbands the best... I don't understand it myself, but they do... I think they feel ashamed (and jealous) if another woman know better about their husbands than they do...

I hope you feel better.. I was really expecting Rila there... Does this mean I have to shut up? And does this mean she doesn't know about your past obsession?

And yeah... I had a date (finally!)... Well, not an official date with dinner and face- sucking, but just a simple one.. A light snack and a short walk... It seems that more guys are asking for my number while staring at my boobs or ass, rather than taking me out on a civil decent date.. More rather flirt and sleep around than seriously fall in love with a girl...

Maybe I'm wrong.. Guys, correct me... Maybe it's just me... Sometimes, I feel the need to apologise for not being all graceful and demure at dates, or for not having long hair, or love to walk... And sometimes, I either talk too much or too little... But hey, that's me.. If I spoiled the date, for being me, then I'm sorry for being so imperfect...

I figured out that I don't have lasting relationships because

1) I play with girls as well
2) I let guys down (or more like I didn't care to wake their lil guy)
3) I let them know too much about me which scares the fuck out of them..

But just now, it felt different... The guy had HUMOUR!!!! Oh my gawd, where did he come from???

Haha.. And he doesn't give advice on whatever mistakes I told him about my past.. Instead, he makes it into a joke and was not afraid to argue with me! Finally, a person with a working brain at dates!

And I was testing him... I made stupid, lame comments which most guys just pretend to laugh at.. But he didn't! He just went,

"Ok, Yati, I think you're capable of making better jokes."

And get this, he didn't even hint for a kiss or hand holding or watever guys do to get physically closer!!!!

But I do feel a lil' insecure tho'... He kept on insisting on answers to my past... So yeah, I think he could see all my cracks and flaws now... Cos he said that I totally don't sound the way I look..

Maybe I should shut up...

But I've always believed that it's best to present your ugliness first before your beauty... So yeah.. I might regret last night... I just hope he's not turned off by the ugly me...

You know, how some guys ask you out only because you 'look pretty'?

I hope he's not one of them... He'll be such a waste...

And why is everyone breaking their glasses and having their wisdom tooth extracted???


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