Thursday, September 29, 2005


Just had the last clubbing session before puasa.. maybe even the last one EVER...

So yeah.. I will record this because I never recorded my first clubbing experience with Aidil at Canto (you youngsters might not have heard abt it)..

And YES, I do intend to stop this mindless nonsense bullcrap social activities...


And doc, I only had an orange juice, coke (cola, mind you), cranberry juice and lotsa ice water... You can tear up my liver all you want, if you arent convinced... You can even ask the bar girl at CHINABLACK.. Her name is Faridah, we call her Farid... She's also working at Starbucks at orchard.. Thank god she was there... Otherwise, I'll be soo embarrassed with my orders... Funky girl, who has nice blonde locks.. Efficient lil' bartender I must say..

But what the heck! It was Ladies Nite, my nite..

And a BIG thank you to Has and Ellein for not drinkin as well... And I have to say this:

ELLEIN CAN REALLY SHAKE HER BOOTY... No doubt, vice president of Dance Club in TP..

Let's begin..

At first, I met Has at Mac's near Lido.. Knowing the number of people who'll be turning up, I thought I was gonna have a lousy nite, trying to get pass thru a crowd mainly made up of youngters, who are very underaged (c'mon, we all know it), and freaking rhythm-less manjens...

That is the TYPICAL CHINABLACK experience these days...

Has and I got there early, so we met Farid and checked out the place.. And then later went down to Mac's coz I havnt eaten the WHOLE day (practising for puasa, hehe)..

Was introduced to a guy and his friend down the lift, Yan and Rahim, who were club hoppin and were heading to Devil's Bar.. Nuggets meal downed and went to 7-11 to get ciggies.. There we met those guys again.. Yan whispered to me at the counter,
"Cik Adik, can I get your number?"

"Sorry, darlin, no."

"Oh, ni ader pantang larang nye laa ni." And leaned closer...

(Yati looks at him, forced a smile and RAN to Has)

Ok, guys, that's NOT how to get a girl's number, FREAK! Learn from this, don't try to be funny or pushy when tryin to get numbers.. She'll willingly give it to you if you dance with her at the club, chat over a drink or something.. Strangers who look pervertic and sound cheesy are never near any prospective target of finding a mate.. Unless, the girl is desperate and has no sense of humour..

Mind you, if you look ang moh and rich, know the girl you want to get close to.. You might end up compromising an expensive room at Swissotel and additional charges mounting to almost 500 bucks and still have your balls asleep (Ahem, you should know who, haha)...

Later, we met Ellein and went up and chatted with Farid before hitting the dancefloor at midnight..

It was damn damn crowded! But thankfully, not filled with all manjens or youngsters... Had a the usual stares from mats who were throwing a weak "Hi" which are drowned by the funky music... DJ was really good tonight.. dunno who, but was super good...

So just 'Buat bodoh' and danced with Has and Ellein.. They thought I could go really down, cos yes, i really could, and yes, my thighs will hurt tomorrow... We went on the platform... Danced for about one hour before chatting with Farid at the bar again... It was hot, man..

Yada yada yada... And danced again...

This time, we had more people dancing with us, a mat, an ang moh and a crazy manjen freak.. The other two were fun, but this freak- hell of an ah beng in white shirt practically grabbed me from the back and was rubbing my front torso and clinging to the egdes of my jeans...


Ellein and Has just stared and knew I was in deep shit, so they pulled me away from him, we pretended to stop and moved to another corner... A safe one with SECURITY guys...

Look, I'm fine with dancing.. Just know where to put your hands, will ya? It's just dancing, k?

We got real tired and went to Farid again.. Saw a guy being dragged out by security.. And met an ex- Starbucks manager, Naz, who is now a manager at CHINABLACK..

Yada yada yada and we hit the dancefloor again.. It was like 1.45 a.m...

Went onto the platform, with Ellein's friend.. There I danced with a scrawny ang moh, who really dunno how to dance.. A bunch of mats were winking at me on the floor and signalled to go off the platform and dance with em, until...

the crew from the centre bar started bar top dancing and throwing their clothes off.. One of the guys went all the way down to his boxers and Naz, poured a pitcher of ice water on him.. and that guy's body was hottt..

And the music, it got better and better.. We planned to go off by 2.15, but got down at 2.45 instead... Great music man..

When I got down, I pretended to be deaf to the hello's and hi's of the mats watching me from below... Weak intro, I tell ya..

So yeah, thanked and bid farewell to Farid before taking a cab back to NTU costing 18.60..

In the cab, there was a car following us from CHINABLACK.. At the end of the expressway, at a red light, 3 guys in the car stared at me and waved and wound their windows down... And signalled to me to do the same.. They look drunk, so yeah..

I smiled and waved back and pretended to talk to the cab driver.. Red light felt long and I was hoping that my cab will speed off at the first sight of green.. Thank God, it did..

To Has, hope you'll be strong enough for opening shift tmr... Hahaha...

Special thanx to Has, Ellein and Farid for making my last clubbing experience a memorable one... Fun nite.. The last bump and grind...


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