Sunday, October 16, 2005

Bitten by the Shutter Bug..

Just went out for some shopping and photography with my dear roomate, Salleha... At home now and I don't have cables to connect my camera, I shall upload the photos another time ya?

First, we planned to look for raya clothes... And maybe, later join Mirza and gang if they happen to be at Geylang.. But as expected, my mom already bought mine for me and Mirza's plan cancelled.. So yeah, ended up looking out for Sal's only... First at First Lady at City Plaza.. Then buka at Delifrance SingPost.. Maghrib at Masjid Wak Tanjong.. Then the bazaar.. Back to SingPost to withdraw money.. Back again to the bazaar.. And finally, back home..

My gawd... It was packed! A Saturday night full of people from all walks of life... All different varieties of Mats and Minahs were there.. Retro minahs, SKA mats, tapered mats, etc.. Of course Salleha and I looked weird.. This is why we stood out like sore thumbs:

1) We didn't have long hair, re- drawn eyebrows, tight- fitting tops, low- waisted jeans paired with a bling bling belt, like every other girl there.
2) We don't look like makciks.
3) We didn't have our moms choosing clothes by our side or waiting for them to finish bargaining.
4) We are not kids running around.
5) We don't have tatoos on our arms.
6) Both of us were using brown contact lenses and were wearing black tops.
7) We bring big bags with my tripod stand sticking out of it.

And most of all:

8) Both of us have our 8 mega pixel 7x optical zoom digital SLRs hung by our necks.

Salleha with her school's Sony and me with my trusty Konica Minolta (which is responsible for all the good photos here and my obsession with photograhy.. hehe..).

Since Doc, Usha, Sam, Naq, Ana, Siti, Nisha, Aidil, Henry and every other Tom, Dick and Harry are sms-ing and asking me about cameras and deals, here's a lil' about cameras for BEGINNERS: (this is gonna be long, so if you're not interested, skip all the way until the last paragraph)

If you are not interested at all about exposure, composition, the shutter speed and aperture abilities, DO NOT BOTHER GETTING AN SLR at all.. Consider a point- and- shoot camera instead.. (Most of you are not interested, am I right?)

SLRs (single- lens reflex) are bulky, available only in black or silver, have many confusing knobs, rotatable rings and buttons, wide and sensitive lenses and most of all, set you back $1000 as compared to normal, cute lil cameras that match your clubbing outfit and fit right beside your plate on the table at formal functions like weddings and prom.

Film or digital? FILM if you're the type who like to print your photos.. or hate to see all the small lil' squares or flushed faces appearing on your photos using digital camera.. or if you do not have or use a computer.. or if you don't see any purpose of uploading and sharing photos.. or if you have a negative scanner (make full use of that $3000 machine, please)..

DIGITAL if you share photos especially online.. or like to manipulate photos.. or rarely print photos.. or like to see how your photos turn out.. or like to bring photos around in CDs and laptops.. or are too lazy to constantly buy, store, develop and collect negatives and printed photos.. or hate scanning in photos.. or like to take lil' videos as well..

Personally, I prefer FILM.. It gives better photo quality and most film SLRs lets you have TOTAL control of how you want your photos to be. Basically, you get what you see in the view finder (a.k.a. the small hole you look thru in a film camera). BUT I HIGHLY recommend DIGITAL for all computer users..

Mega pixels and zoom??
Easy: The higher the better.. But please, same goes with the cost.. If you have a tight budget, consider what you REALLY NEED.. If you are taking photos for fun and like to share them, then get an at least 3.2 mega pixel.. But if you're the type who like to manipulate photos, or is a serious pornorgraher who wants to make real money, get at least 5 mega pix.. Thing is, if you manipulate the original size of photos, you distort them.. As you can see, mine is 8 mega pix.. When you click on 'em (check 'em out), they are minimally distorted (up to an A4 size)..

Zoom? You have to check it out with the dealer yourself, 'cos I don't know how to explain zoom strength in words..

Size and LCD screen?? As for all digital stuff, the smaller the better, UNLESS it's the size of the screen.. Seriously, I can't care about screens because I'm very old- fashioned with FILM.. But it is important for DIGITAL so that you won't waste space in your memory card.. Be careful with small screens.. They deceive you... You can't judge the sharpness, accuracy and colour on small screens.. This, too, you'll have to see it for yourself..

Anti- shake and Mega O.I.S.?? Only certain cameras have this function.. It is important, especially if you take photos at night or in dark spots like clubs, ballrooms or for a sporting event like soccer, or like to twitch.. Some brands include Casio (Exilim), Panasonic (Lumix) and of course, Konica Minolta..

Brands?? For those who have money:

1) Nikon for being ULTRA user friendly- You do not really need the manual and could understand their buttons.
2) Canon for smooth shooting, quality, design and function- For professionals who know their cameras..
3) Leica or Panasonic Lumix for being vintage, size and zoom- They have a wow-ing 12x optical zoom!..

For those who SAVED for it:
1) Olympus for design, wide screens and colours- My sis bought a 3/4- palm size, 5 mega pix with 4x optical zoom, hyper crystal LCS screen, all weather Olympus for only $348 as compared to a Canon Ixus that might cost $600..
2) Sony for strong camera bodies and lenses- Carl Zeiss ain't cheap, y'all...
3) Konica Minolta for anti- shake, LCD screen and telephoto and macro abilities- Its LCD monitor is rotatable, so you can see shots of yourself while taking it YOURSELF and you don't really need a tripod stand thanks to anti- shake technology. Mine is an SLR: DiMAGE A200, 8 mega pix, 7x optical zoom for $1345.. A nikon D70 (6.1 mega pix) is sold here for $1988 (ON SALE)..

SLR?? If you're using one already, then you shouldn't be asking me, 'cos I bet you already know your stuff...

But if you are new, please check out Nikon D70 or D50.. Or simply join a photography society that allows you to loan a camera and will explain to you all the works of an SLR... Maybe, if you need more help or wanna share better deals with me, you can mail me.. If possible, start with the traditional FILM SLR...

Today, I learned that if you're walking at the Geylang Bazaar on a busy day, you should really bring along an SLR and a notepad.. EVERYONE thinks you are a newspaper reporter and will be nice and all smiley to you.. They'll pose and hope to be famous next day.. Haha...


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