Saturday, October 08, 2005

That's YOUR problem

News update: Nearly 2000 American soldiers were killed in Iraq.

I'm starting to pity young men.. Blinded by idealistic visions of their leaders... Having pure intention to protect the ones they love.. And then rape and torture locals of the war..

Riiiiiiight... I am not very military like that...

Ok, first issue.. People who blog are now facing problems with their audience... Seriously, I had quite a few, personally mailing me about how bloggers are losers and have no life and tag that I shouldn't preach about religion (?? when did I? See the tagboard..) and shit like that...

To me, that's YOUR problem... YOU should be thankful that I don't go around taking my anger and frustration out on annoying people like you.. Why send me such emails when you WANT TO READ IT in the first place and then save pictures from my blog? And then sit around and send letters of complaints...

And then they ask: Why do you put up all your personal thoughts and feelings for all to read?

I mean seriously, do you want me to be even more mean to express my personal thoughts and feelings verbally? I think I will make many cry or even turn people murderous...

Ain and I went back home together just now and was discussing this on the train... There was a guy standing RIGHT IN FRONT of us, freakily evesdropping while staring at us, making EYE CONTACT.. SOOO discreet..

I mean it's healthier this way isn't it?? And at the same time, I need not update people one by one about my life and stuff.. And if you know who's Doc, you'd rather blog, trust me... Hehe..

Come to think of it, had issues with Salleha... This is a good example.. Apparently, she is OFFENDED by some stuff I tag on Fark's blog.. I said she was a neat freak and she complained that I make noise with the door and showering while coming back to the room at 3 or 4 a.m..

Then she was trying to rub it in by SMSing me that maybe she should set rules and label EVERYTHING (alike Aisyah's roomate).. She removed her shelf curtains and wrapped ALL her containers NEATLY with ONE particular design.. And asked

"So what do you think of it, now that you complain that I'm so neat to OTHER people?"

It was Fark's BLOG.. I didn't know she would get offended reading a BLOG.. I mean it was out on the open for ALL to read... Know what I replied her??

"While you're at it, why not write a report to the hall office (alike Aisyah's roomate, again) and evict me out?"

"The shelves look better now.. Less gloomy.." At this point I already had all the blinds up,windows and doors opened, airing the room...

Both of us argued and discussed a lil' before agreeing that she IS a neat freak and that I am TOO messy but VERY particular... Particular, in a sense that I can't have a 1cm- thick- dust infested ceiling fan (which I cleaned with a mop) and an algae- infested sink (which I scrubbed)... I asked her,

"Look around you, WHICH part of you is messy? You have neat handwriting, clutter- free desk and floor and bed and you file your stuff!"

And she replied,

"I know why YOU think everyone ELSE is neat. It's because YOU were NEVER neat in the first place! YOU on the other hand, are VERY particular (with dust and algae)."

But thing is, I DID told her how neat she was, especially during the first time she cleared my clutter.. She only got offended when it got online.. I don't understand why..

Sense the tension? But rest assured, we did go out for dinner together that night to buka puasa... Salleha, darling, I'm so sorry, dear...

I guess some people have problems with truth being blogged and others just can't live neat.. I will try my best ya? Goals:

1) Keep the floor clutter free
2) Minimise wires running across my desk
3) Make my bed every morning or noon or whenever I wake up
4) Minimise toiletries, especially dental and hair care...

And I think I know why I'm not neat: cos I'm not that STRAIGHT in the first place.. haha..


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