Friday, October 07, 2005


Ok.. I'm feeling quite uncomfortable now.. Uncomfortable about everything..

I was working M2 just now and got a cab ride back here to my room.. I was checking my NTU webmail while eating my lemon citron tart... There's this funny feeling and I knew it, I ran to the toilet bowl and puked my heart out.. Something's wrong down there..

What a waste of tart.. And maybe that croissant I ate just now... Somewhere in that whole brown, gooish mess..

And Doc, yes, I will be there next week.. Sorry, didn't reply, my phone is going bonkers and I don't want to get a new one... Yet.. I did the homework you gave and now I'm giving you one.. Prepare yourself for our next session ya?

I'm feeling the stress of uni life now... Very stressful indeed... The thought of exams in a month's time must have contributed to my body's reaction just now..

Feeling frustrated and confused and the headaches dun help..

I feel like... like...

hitting something.. or hurling something.. at someone..

I need to feel some physical pain.. Just now at work, there's this kid, about 5 or 6.. He was shouting for no reason, non- stop for the whole ride I had from T1 back to T2.. Damn fucking annoying lil' fuck.. I feeling like hitting him... I could imagine the joy of throwing him off that trolley, kicking him and strangling him til blood gurgles out of his mouth.. I've always had patience with kids.. Dunno wad's goin on with me...

"Terminal 2".. Snapped back into reality and walked back to the store.. There was an army flight.. Frap slam: 6 Grande Mocha, a Grande Green Tea, a Caramel and a Chocolate Frappuccinos.. And this is only from one fucking order.. Imagine that, plus many other frap orders from all the youngsters sending their friends off.. Think the group like had 12 drinks altogether or something.. It was ard midnite? Damn.. And that stooopid guy from Triple Noize is trying to flirt with me..

Fuck off, Afro freak!!

And at M2, I was the only one working til 12 cos Lin has opening to do tmr and punched out at 10.. Good thing Sam clocked me til 12.30..

Work doesn't seem to have an effect on me anymore.. Not physically nor mentally challenging at all.. It's all too NICE..

I need something that will hurt me physically now..

Ok.. I think I need to puke summore..

Looks like I'm gonna spend the nite sitting beside THE BOWL... Reminds me of the good ol' days.. Anw, to all Muslims:

Slamat Berpuasa


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