Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Last Tuesday night, Salleha and I rented VCDs to watch at night.. That night we watched The Thin Red Line together and I watched The Motorcycle Diaries later, alone, 'cos Sal fell asleep.. So yeah... I have another 2 more movies to watch..

Realised that I rarely sleep enough... Salleha constantly asks, at every half hour,

"Aren't you gonna sleep?"

Hehe.. reminds me of an ex who felt so insecure as I watched him sleep.. But slept anyway, 'cos he's the type who'll get cranky without clocking at least 6 hours of sleep..

"Can you go to sleep already? It's 4a.m. Aren't you tired?"

Thing is I can sleep... But not for 8 hours straight.. My body aches if I do that every night.. So yeah, I sleep 2 hours here and there.. Doc, you have any recommendations? I know, no more pills, but exams are coming and I can't afford to get tired in the middle of a paper.. Anw, thanks for the book.. Didn't do much help, but thanks..

I LUUUUURRRRVVVEEE The Motorcycle Diaries.. I can't believe it's based on a true story.. And the main actor is damn damn HOTTT... Not only cute by face but SEXAY with the accent.. Tho' I doubt Sal will like it..

And I have more tolerance for slow- paced, arty farty movies than Sal does.. She talked alot when we watched The Thin Red Line..

The Motorcycle Diaries really moved me.. Seriously, it's no drama- mama and has no sexual elements at all (sorry, guys), but touches on issues close to the hearts of many Latin Americans.. A beautiful story indeed.. Full of culture, passion and interesting faces.. I will buy it.. Worth buying more than just renting...

The Thin Red Line was the censored version.. So yeah, quite a bore without the gore.. A real dread to watch war movies about soldiers fighting aimlessly... Again, I should mention that I'm not very military.. I AM a girl.. It's really hard for me to understand how guys can take commands from people who can't settle their own issues diplomatically and then send others to their deaths, in thousands, causing much grief to innocent family members.. There is such a thing as A PHONE CALL or TALKING OVER A LATTE..

Realised problems in reationships:

1) Guys fear not being able to maintain a relationship.
2) Girls fear not having a relationship in the first place.

Easy for guys to ask girls out, but hard for them to keep girls interested.. But for girls, it's hard to ask guys out, but probably easier to get them interested (if you know what I mean)..

And I think mothers, wives and girlfriends of soldiers are the strongest women on Earth.. They might not have fought any war, but being alone- to support kids, to sleep at night, to worry about their loved ones and to lose everything, is a far bigger challenge.. They can always choose to move on to another guy (save mothers), but they didn't, 'cos they knew that the BIGGEST fear men will ever have: not being able to MAINTAIN a relationship, a real scar to the ego..

Something for me to think about.. Dating guys serving NS sux, I tell ya...


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