Friday, March 10, 2006

To Ryan

Ok.. I bet you guys must be wondering why I'm updating my blog now, when I just did it about 12 hours ago..

Ryan called!!! But guess what's his first line after "hello, Ryan here"??

"Bloody skank, can you express something real in your blog?? You can be quite superficial sometimes, you know that?? And you're lousy at lying! Waste my time reading k??"

Boy, was I shocked.. I mean it's MY BLOODY BLOG! But anyways, I do wish to express something real here, right now:

FUCK YOU, RYAN! And where's my bloody post card, you freaking toot??

But do know, as a friend, I do understand your frustration.. I mean yeah, it's pretty fucked up when you finally get to use the internet and bothers to check on your best friends by reading their blogs only to find stupid photos and bimbotic comments (ahem, check my past 3 posts), that say nothing about their well- being.

And for that, I'm truly sorry, Ryan..

And this time, I'm gonna give you a real update.. Do be warned that it's gonna be a boring long one, 'cos even tho' life's been real stressful with too many things goin' on, it's generally routinely.. Anyway, I realise I've been forgeting things again. So yeah, hopefully this post helps..

Ok, so what happen today?? It's pretty simple, really..

1) Woke up with a call from a guy, L, who was using my toiletmate's room the night before.

2) Took a shower and Salleha finally got back from her friend's place. (She wasn't in the room for the night)

3) Went to Canteen 2 with her to buy toast and milo for $1.70. She ate the toast while I settled for the milo.

4) Salleha got to school while I slept a while til 1020 to head for the lab. I didn't do the quiz there and fucked up the report, which means I wasted 2 hours in lab.

5) Went back to my room and rested a while before putting up the previous post on this blog. L called to get something from me.

6) Slept and woke at Ain's knock on my door. She, Samz and I were watching American Idol. Met up with Usha and Tushara and then headed to the coffeeshop nearby blk 910 across the Yunnan Garden for dinner (my first meal of the day at nearly 2100hr). I was skating around that area the night before. Ate prata and Indian rojak, which Ain said was Banana flavoured.

7) After dinner, we played around the fitness area there and I really enjoyed exercising there, despite feeling bloated. I particularly liked the 'moonwalk' equipment, tho' every other equipment made us look as tho' we're fucking and being pounded on. Hehehe..

8) Walked back to my room and suggested to Salleha to jog together.

9) After much stretching and warming up, we realised, we don't want to jog. And agreed to play volleyball at the nearby court. We couldn't play well, so from 2330 to 0045, we were playing mini volleyball with the ever so high net that was put up. Volleyball felt more strenous than just jogging, so I felt it was a good 1hr plus workout.

10) Got back to our room, which I then scrub the toilet floor, the toilet bowl, the sinks and mirrors, purely out of impulse. Took me an hour. Showered when you finally called to complain.

So now, I'm updating my blog, specially for you.. My whole body is aching and blue blacks are forming near my wrist areas from the volleyball hits..

Issues that's been playing around my head:

1) Dropping out of uni.
2) Upcoming exams.
3) My parents going out of town for the next few days.
4) This upcoming race I just signed up for.
5) Hostel application (if I decide to not quit Uni)
6) Doing electives during the upcoming vacation.
7) Make up for a total of 5 Lab sessions.
8) You, and how I wished I ran away with you when you were here.

I hope you're happy now and I'm expecting a call from you and of course, MY POST CARD!!!


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