Let the truth be told
Ok, most of you guys here already know I've had quite a vacation... Photos at the end of this post...
Totally screwed:
1) Assignment due on mon (6 march)
2) Lab session need to be made up for
3) A math test this friday
4) An oral test next Wed (think papers)
Past few days, I've been thinking alot about God and generally, Men.. And Fir, I want YOU, in particular to read this, 'cos I can't stop thinking about you in both destinations I went to.. I need you to know, I haven't been a good girl lately, but I won't be sorry, cos I needed to know if you were right.. Just know that in most of my dream- like states, you were there and I thought through what you said, tested it out within my own friends, and realised you were right.. You were right about everything..
Man and the Devil Vs Women and the Devil
Men, will always be in their most desirable situations put by the Devil. Instead of coming by the back door, the Devil will knock on the front and will only enter if let in. Generally, the Devil will be, especially if there's an offer: An irresistable offer whose fine prints are already known to Men and even read out once and again. Even then, the Devil will still give the most rightful, God- given advice. And in all the tests I did personally, I observed that men will generally do the total opposite of that advice. They will deny ever being tempted, justify their doings as a common-sensical reaction, and will blame the Devil (or the situation put in, or the offer made, and mostly, the advice given) despite knowing that CHOICE is the key to Heaven, NOT EGO. A dick is a dick, I must say. He'll be forever in denial and will NEVER blame himself.
Women, on the other hand will always be put in situations they prayed all their life not to be. The Devil enters by her back door, in his true form, and will make an offer too. But this time, it's a job offer and it's at knife's edge. If agreed to, the woman will be happy all her life (in this world) and if not, she'll be skinned, slowly and by parts. She might hate the job, but it's an easy, high- paying job, but most of all, it gives her the very thing she's incapable of: Independence. And even I failed this test. Generally, we women accept the job, and learn to love it. And instead of getting more independent, we become its slave. We'll admit that it's our fault and that we had the choice, but since we made the Devil our very manager, we are indeed very addicted and learned to live with it for the rest of our lives. We are not proud about it, but it keeps food on the table and clothes on our back. Eventually, we'll realise that it's better to be skinned now than be burnt later. And so we quit by running into the knife itself.
See the difference?
Pride is our downfall, but it works in opposite ways for men and women. While men fails by being the very epitome of pride, women fail by not having a sense of it at all. So people, play your cards right.
I know I sound real sick now. And maybe some of you might feel you've been used in my observations, but please, it means nothing. It just shows you are human and that you've been my eye- opener. Don't take it too hard.
So here are the photos.. As usual click on em for a better view..

Presenting... Thai Airways..

All I can say is, SIA is faaaaaar ahead in entertainment..

These engines, are my dad's toys at work..

And believe me, it's no joke when you are responsible for the lives of future passengers..

These are our few national soccer players.. Let's just say, they don't travel like Beckham..

Shop shop shop

Traffic is bad in Bangkok..

So like James Bond, everyone should take the Tuk Tuk for it's amazing ability to get to places in no time..

Baiyoke Sky Hotel Lobby on the 18th floor..

And this, is the view from my room on the 58th floor..

Special effects here, by Gerome, who makes good use of spot metering...

This is the standard room in Baiyoke Sky, complete with a closet behind me, and a bathroom half the size of this room..

Of course, you shouldn't be surprised that there's actually more than 78 floors, it is afterall, the tallest hotel..

And this on the streets are no surprise either..

Fear Factor, eat your heart out! Thai people will win your stupid 50 grand anytime!

Another event: Sufian's 13th B'day..

Which wasn't only thoroughly enjoyed by him alone..

But by many others whose freaky smiles causes a plate shy expression.. Hehehe...
Totally screwed:
1) Assignment due on mon (6 march)
2) Lab session need to be made up for
3) A math test this friday
4) An oral test next Wed (think papers)
Past few days, I've been thinking alot about God and generally, Men.. And Fir, I want YOU, in particular to read this, 'cos I can't stop thinking about you in both destinations I went to.. I need you to know, I haven't been a good girl lately, but I won't be sorry, cos I needed to know if you were right.. Just know that in most of my dream- like states, you were there and I thought through what you said, tested it out within my own friends, and realised you were right.. You were right about everything..
Man and the Devil Vs Women and the Devil
Men, will always be in their most desirable situations put by the Devil. Instead of coming by the back door, the Devil will knock on the front and will only enter if let in. Generally, the Devil will be, especially if there's an offer: An irresistable offer whose fine prints are already known to Men and even read out once and again. Even then, the Devil will still give the most rightful, God- given advice. And in all the tests I did personally, I observed that men will generally do the total opposite of that advice. They will deny ever being tempted, justify their doings as a common-sensical reaction, and will blame the Devil (or the situation put in, or the offer made, and mostly, the advice given) despite knowing that CHOICE is the key to Heaven, NOT EGO. A dick is a dick, I must say. He'll be forever in denial and will NEVER blame himself.
Women, on the other hand will always be put in situations they prayed all their life not to be. The Devil enters by her back door, in his true form, and will make an offer too. But this time, it's a job offer and it's at knife's edge. If agreed to, the woman will be happy all her life (in this world) and if not, she'll be skinned, slowly and by parts. She might hate the job, but it's an easy, high- paying job, but most of all, it gives her the very thing she's incapable of: Independence. And even I failed this test. Generally, we women accept the job, and learn to love it. And instead of getting more independent, we become its slave. We'll admit that it's our fault and that we had the choice, but since we made the Devil our very manager, we are indeed very addicted and learned to live with it for the rest of our lives. We are not proud about it, but it keeps food on the table and clothes on our back. Eventually, we'll realise that it's better to be skinned now than be burnt later. And so we quit by running into the knife itself.
See the difference?
Pride is our downfall, but it works in opposite ways for men and women. While men fails by being the very epitome of pride, women fail by not having a sense of it at all. So people, play your cards right.
I know I sound real sick now. And maybe some of you might feel you've been used in my observations, but please, it means nothing. It just shows you are human and that you've been my eye- opener. Don't take it too hard.
So here are the photos.. As usual click on em for a better view..

Presenting... Thai Airways..

All I can say is, SIA is faaaaaar ahead in entertainment..

These engines, are my dad's toys at work..

And believe me, it's no joke when you are responsible for the lives of future passengers..

These are our few national soccer players.. Let's just say, they don't travel like Beckham..

Shop shop shop

Traffic is bad in Bangkok..

So like James Bond, everyone should take the Tuk Tuk for it's amazing ability to get to places in no time..

Baiyoke Sky Hotel Lobby on the 18th floor..

And this, is the view from my room on the 58th floor..

Special effects here, by Gerome, who makes good use of spot metering...

This is the standard room in Baiyoke Sky, complete with a closet behind me, and a bathroom half the size of this room..

Of course, you shouldn't be surprised that there's actually more than 78 floors, it is afterall, the tallest hotel..

And this on the streets are no surprise either..

Fear Factor, eat your heart out! Thai people will win your stupid 50 grand anytime!

Another event: Sufian's 13th B'day..

Which wasn't only thoroughly enjoyed by him alone..

But by many others whose freaky smiles causes a plate shy expression.. Hehehe...
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