call- it- whatever- you- want- post
Hey good people..
Was just blog hopping and just realised that EVERYONE's got something to say about the new year or school's first day..
And I just went "Happy 2006!" and "Alright, school's gonna start on Tuesday.. Really feeling fucked up"...
Seriously, my new year's resolution must be not to have one..
Ok so this is a lil' outdated.. The Lonerz- outing- that- almost- didn't- happen..
Yes, it was at Chinese Garden.. Have yet to explore that used- condom filled and the bangla worker hangout piece of land..
Photos are by Sameema and Ain and yeah, apologies, cos at night, gardens like that are not well lit, we took photos which cant even be seen on the LCD screens of the cameras.. Click on em for the larger version.. Enjoy!!

Do we need sleep or what??

Vid's kewl pose

Playboy, saru, when???


Ain, it's a colgate ad!

The obsessed

Fake tattoo??? C'mon...

Aisyah: Cum, big boy.. Samz: Hi, my name is Sameema.. Hahaha

Usha's gettin a lil' too heavy for me.. Gasp!

I see ORBS!!! Aaaaarrrgghh!! I dun wanna die in a fucking chinese garden!!

Another cool pose by Aisyah and Vidz..

Who daaaat???

Of course, a nice pic taken by urs truly, ahem!

Coolest toilet pose, ever!

Ain gone wild!!


Cover your boobies, ppl.. America's next top model position up for grabs..

Yeah yeah... Ooo yeah...

Funky tree aye??

Woah Aisyah!

Yes, it's a whole bloody park, surrounded by water...


The junk???!!!
Second issue:
Just celebrated Aidiladha with my family.. Was just about to forget about the whole drama about my parents planning to get a divorce, my 67 year old grandmama being just married and my sister- a whore, when it suddenly was thrown back to me, from nowhere...
God knows how much I miss doc, and all his gestures that make you ponder and react..
Somehow, I do pity my grandmama.. I mean, really, it was HER choice to get married again.. But yeah, she seem quite depressed just now, and my ever- so- rude cousin just didn't help.. That pompous windbag should really learn to respect his elders despite them being a lil' senile sometimes... She's moving out of her apartment... And packing ALONE... Learn to EMPHATHISE!
I can't imagine myself putting away everything I owned in small boxes, especially if they were of my late husband's and had been there for the past 50++ years of my life... AND moving into my new husband's... Such a sad sob I am... But yeah, I love my grandad.. One and only...
So yeah, hugged and kissed and hugged again and left for my other set of grandparents..
I talked a whole bunch of crap to my grandaddy there.. But he just nodded and smiled in agreement 'cos most of the time he know fuck abt what I just told him... A lil' deaf.. Somehow, I envy him.. I mean he just sits there, getting respect and money, and very well accepted for nodding and smiling! Even when thrown with questions- unanswered! That guy is very much at peace with himself and his children.. His grandchildren?? Well, they're still wondering his true age... 94? 95? If only he could hear my questions...
Anw, the meals I had throughout the day.. Protein- diet... All the lontong, washed sambal goreng, washed rendang, lodeh and serondeng.. And a Mac's delivery 5 minutes ago... I've becomed the loser who blogs while trying to gulp down coke with half- masticated fries between her teeth and lips..
I need a life, and good grades...
So help me God...
Was just blog hopping and just realised that EVERYONE's got something to say about the new year or school's first day..
And I just went "Happy 2006!" and "Alright, school's gonna start on Tuesday.. Really feeling fucked up"...
Seriously, my new year's resolution must be not to have one..
Ok so this is a lil' outdated.. The Lonerz- outing- that- almost- didn't- happen..
Yes, it was at Chinese Garden.. Have yet to explore that used- condom filled and the bangla worker hangout piece of land..
Photos are by Sameema and Ain and yeah, apologies, cos at night, gardens like that are not well lit, we took photos which cant even be seen on the LCD screens of the cameras.. Click on em for the larger version.. Enjoy!!

Do we need sleep or what??

Vid's kewl pose

Playboy, saru, when???


Ain, it's a colgate ad!

The obsessed

Fake tattoo??? C'mon...

Aisyah: Cum, big boy.. Samz: Hi, my name is Sameema.. Hahaha

Usha's gettin a lil' too heavy for me.. Gasp!

I see ORBS!!! Aaaaarrrgghh!! I dun wanna die in a fucking chinese garden!!

Another cool pose by Aisyah and Vidz..

Who daaaat???

Of course, a nice pic taken by urs truly, ahem!

Coolest toilet pose, ever!

Ain gone wild!!


Cover your boobies, ppl.. America's next top model position up for grabs..

Yeah yeah... Ooo yeah...

Funky tree aye??

Woah Aisyah!

Yes, it's a whole bloody park, surrounded by water...


The junk???!!!
Second issue:
Just celebrated Aidiladha with my family.. Was just about to forget about the whole drama about my parents planning to get a divorce, my 67 year old grandmama being just married and my sister- a whore, when it suddenly was thrown back to me, from nowhere...
God knows how much I miss doc, and all his gestures that make you ponder and react..
Somehow, I do pity my grandmama.. I mean, really, it was HER choice to get married again.. But yeah, she seem quite depressed just now, and my ever- so- rude cousin just didn't help.. That pompous windbag should really learn to respect his elders despite them being a lil' senile sometimes... She's moving out of her apartment... And packing ALONE... Learn to EMPHATHISE!
I can't imagine myself putting away everything I owned in small boxes, especially if they were of my late husband's and had been there for the past 50++ years of my life... AND moving into my new husband's... Such a sad sob I am... But yeah, I love my grandad.. One and only...
So yeah, hugged and kissed and hugged again and left for my other set of grandparents..
I talked a whole bunch of crap to my grandaddy there.. But he just nodded and smiled in agreement 'cos most of the time he know fuck abt what I just told him... A lil' deaf.. Somehow, I envy him.. I mean he just sits there, getting respect and money, and very well accepted for nodding and smiling! Even when thrown with questions- unanswered! That guy is very much at peace with himself and his children.. His grandchildren?? Well, they're still wondering his true age... 94? 95? If only he could hear my questions...
Anw, the meals I had throughout the day.. Protein- diet... All the lontong, washed sambal goreng, washed rendang, lodeh and serondeng.. And a Mac's delivery 5 minutes ago... I've becomed the loser who blogs while trying to gulp down coke with half- masticated fries between her teeth and lips..
I need a life, and good grades...
So help me God...
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