Saturday, November 19, 2005

That outing..

Doc was just reminding me that even though therapy's gonna be over, that doesn't mean I need not blog til then..

Hehe.. Sorry.. Was truly very busy with exams.. Exams I screwed up- upside down...

Apparently, to some people, I don't seem to attend school and that I have no passion whatsoever about computer engin... All I can say is, I'm lucky to have this timetable... It's catered to people like me, who sleep late, can't wake up and feel like eating every 2 hours... And passion? It's there.. Ability's the problem..

And it doesn't mean that if music is blasting from my hostel room all the time, I'm partying... I'm STUDYING... I NEED music to study.. My dear toiletmates are shocked to know that.. Haha.. Impressions I make..

I may look like the 'slenger', 'relek', partying, anti- studying type, but if you see how I fill up my time for the past few weeks, you know I'm dead fucking serious... Even for myself... I may not look nerd- ish or scholarly, because I do see the importance of looking and smelling good...

For the past week, my transformation into an owl was almost complete... Almost everyday, I was studying from 9pm to 8am, sleep from 9am to 12noon, have papers from around 1pm to 5pm and in the other 6 remaining hours: either reflecting about my life or eat or bathe or be horrified at how difficult the papers were or playing the canang at practice for the upcoming Taridrama...

And I hope next sem ain't gonna be this packed, since therapy's gonna be over, and work?? I've yet to decide whether or not to quit.. Quite thankful my timetable isn't as routinely as Sal's: 8.30am to 2.30pm... I'll be bored to death and probably won't attend school at all..

I have 2 more papers ahead, but both electives.. So I'm taking things a little slower now.. Going out jalan raya just now, and on monday- SENTOSA!!!

My parents, brother and Adreena are in Thailand.. Flight was just now, while I was at Kallang area.. I hold the keys to my dad's car, and wanted to offer the guys to drive, but being responsible and all (ahem!), I decided not to.. It's quite disappointing that my dad failed to inform me earlier of their flight.. I mean I havn't seen them for 2 WEEKS and when I pack all my stuff from the hostel (toiletries and clothes), all excited to be home for the weekend, THEY ARE NOT THERE! Seriously, if they were home, I won't jalan raya... I miss 'em too much.. But hey, I got guilt- money from dad.. 200 moolahs..

And Salleha can't seem to be able to make up her mind whether to go jalan raya.. Basically, it's quite weird, sometimes.. I mean, really, I can't blame them for having to serve the nation, so yeah, unlike her, I didn't expect a fun roller coaster ride of laughter and jokes and giggles.. I'm okay with anything and everything... Sometimes, I really feel like the husband waiting for the wife to make up her mind after switching them 20 times... To me it's JUST AN OUTING, so have fun while you can, don't bother about how they aren't as fun as your girlfriends, 'cos they aren't so close to you.. It's Raya, and it's real sweet for friends to meet up and visit each other's house, even if you're not close... That's the spirit of Raya..

So first, we went to Said's, where it seems that only Fark can talk.. I really suck at this things... Said's a guy, and in my society, I can't go all touchy with him... It's really good to see him getting better.. I'm really really happy for him.. Seriously am... What seemed to be all hopeless, is now almost fully -recovered.. But still, he can't talk.. And I didn't express much of this just now, but....


Yay!! Yay to the ever forgetful!!! (ahem).. I mean really, he looked at me and smiled!!! And probably did that thrice!!

And his head looks better, he's gaining weight, now probably 40kg... And he could sit up on his own, smile more.. It's great... Especially for Wani, I guess... As a not- so- close- friend, I'm already so very happy... So I can't imagine what it's like for the girlfriend.. And it's great to see him respond so much to Fark, even in his sleepy state.. Fark can talk alot.. I mean ALOT.. I admire his grandma.. A real sweet lady, despite the hunch, bothers to cook and receive guests.. I shall aspire to be her one day..

So then we went to Fark's... Journey seems to be a LOOOOONNG trail of uncontrollable bladder problem.. Then it was Ruz's... And then I had to rush off to meet my sis to get some stuff from her before she goes off with her friends..

Seeing all their families, was quite a joy.. It's a real variety.. From Said's with all the children, to Fark's with no chilren, to Ruz's who were quite the opposite of him... And the women of these houses cook!! My, my... If only I had the luxury!

Ruz and Azlisya are totally gonna get married.. She's a real nice, sweet thing who is all graceful and polite... And Seri, although a lil' late, made it.. At least, she was invited.. hehe..

And out of all the women there, I'm probably the only one who gained weight during Ramadhan.. Haha...

All of them seem to be quite fascinated with my married life.. All of them want to drive a car someday.. And all of them seem to have grown alot since JC...

And to Fark, quit asking me "And then what?"

This is probably the THIRD time I'm saying this in my blog, but I shall NOT reveal my plans for the future.. I have my career and financial plans, which I will keep to myself, until I achieve them... Reason? I can't bear the disappointment of not achieving them and worse, letting others see me in much misery of my own disappointment...

I can't wait for Monday.. Get tanned, sand in my undies and bruises from playing volleyball... Aaaaahhh... The life of a very deprived beach bum...


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