Coming to the end..
1 down, 4 to go...
Math paper was tough.. Or maybe it's because I didn't mug last night.. And went shopping at IMM instead.. May the markers be merciful..
Today, photos, but only 6 of em.. First 4 are taken by me, the last two is by Sheila (See Oct 30, 'A month too short..').. Caught me dozing off on the floor while watching TV.. Didn't even realise she shot me until I used my dear cam.. Anw Sheila, something's wrong with your e- add.. I can't send the photos.. If you want the rest, sign in at MSN and ask me, k?
Basically, today, you guys get to see what I've been eating.. Yes, I'm VERY unhealthy.. I don't exercise regularly, eat mostly at night, don't count calories, instant/fast food junkie and am trapped in my hostel room due to the exams..
And some news for the class at the end of this post, along with a reply to a mailer...

Seafood baked rice from NTU's Cafe by the Quad.. Huge oyster..

Supper at 3 a.m...

Something I made: Corn beef salad..

This is above my head when I sleep..


More ZZZZZZZZZ......
Ok.. It's confirmed.. If I behave til the end of this year, I'll be therapy- free... Doc will announce it next class, which I won't be able to attend...
I will miss you crazy, real people... Goodbyes are hard for me, but please treat this like a goal.. Someday, you will be therapy- free too... And being one of the seniors of the group, I feel very much unneeded there, and probably hindering your way out of there... I thank you for your love and support in making this ride amazing and inspirational.. I had probably grown the most this year, and it's all thanks to you guys...
And yes, I've yet to decide what to do with this blog.. All the entries are mainly influenced by the topics we discussed in class and I wrote them with Doc and ONLY Doc in mind, which resulted to most of the entries being very much close to my heart... I have no ideas otherwise on how to write without him as a purpose.. Please help me decide...
Some plans:
1) Continue writing to Doc
2) Treat it like a journal, for the sake of my memory..
3) Turn it into a photo blog
4) Delete it
5) Abandon it
This is a reply to a mailer who read too deep in between the lines of a post (See Oct 28, 'Herbie Hancock: Possibilities') and everyone else who thinks I'm REALLY married:
It's very cute of you.. But..
NOOOO!!!! I'm not married to Salleha... We never took vows or anything... We are just LIVING AS A COUPLE which pretty much relate to being MARRIED.. When we are together, we do things married couples do, like
1) Do laundry together
2) Wait for each other to finish school (work), to go for dinner together
3) Shop for groceries together
4) Call each other "Honey" and have stupid pet names. (I call her 'googley bear' and she calls me 'hello panda'.. hehe)
5) Watch TV and movies in our room together
6) Sometimes, sleep together
7) Get on each other's nerves with our habits
8) Make plans for the holidays together
Basically, we've pretty much become 'family'... But hell no, I don't make out with her.. We're still very much like sisters in that way...
And another thing, we're not 'husband and wife' or 'wife and wife'.. We're 'husband and husband'...
Math paper was tough.. Or maybe it's because I didn't mug last night.. And went shopping at IMM instead.. May the markers be merciful..
Today, photos, but only 6 of em.. First 4 are taken by me, the last two is by Sheila (See Oct 30, 'A month too short..').. Caught me dozing off on the floor while watching TV.. Didn't even realise she shot me until I used my dear cam.. Anw Sheila, something's wrong with your e- add.. I can't send the photos.. If you want the rest, sign in at MSN and ask me, k?
Basically, today, you guys get to see what I've been eating.. Yes, I'm VERY unhealthy.. I don't exercise regularly, eat mostly at night, don't count calories, instant/fast food junkie and am trapped in my hostel room due to the exams..
And some news for the class at the end of this post, along with a reply to a mailer...

Seafood baked rice from NTU's Cafe by the Quad.. Huge oyster..

Supper at 3 a.m...

Something I made: Corn beef salad..

This is above my head when I sleep..


More ZZZZZZZZZ......
Ok.. It's confirmed.. If I behave til the end of this year, I'll be therapy- free... Doc will announce it next class, which I won't be able to attend...
I will miss you crazy, real people... Goodbyes are hard for me, but please treat this like a goal.. Someday, you will be therapy- free too... And being one of the seniors of the group, I feel very much unneeded there, and probably hindering your way out of there... I thank you for your love and support in making this ride amazing and inspirational.. I had probably grown the most this year, and it's all thanks to you guys...
And yes, I've yet to decide what to do with this blog.. All the entries are mainly influenced by the topics we discussed in class and I wrote them with Doc and ONLY Doc in mind, which resulted to most of the entries being very much close to my heart... I have no ideas otherwise on how to write without him as a purpose.. Please help me decide...
Some plans:
1) Continue writing to Doc
2) Treat it like a journal, for the sake of my memory..
3) Turn it into a photo blog
4) Delete it
5) Abandon it
This is a reply to a mailer who read too deep in between the lines of a post (See Oct 28, 'Herbie Hancock: Possibilities') and everyone else who thinks I'm REALLY married:
It's very cute of you.. But..
NOOOO!!!! I'm not married to Salleha... We never took vows or anything... We are just LIVING AS A COUPLE which pretty much relate to being MARRIED.. When we are together, we do things married couples do, like
1) Do laundry together
2) Wait for each other to finish school (work), to go for dinner together
3) Shop for groceries together
4) Call each other "Honey" and have stupid pet names. (I call her 'googley bear' and she calls me 'hello panda'.. hehe)
5) Watch TV and movies in our room together
6) Sometimes, sleep together
7) Get on each other's nerves with our habits
8) Make plans for the holidays together
Basically, we've pretty much become 'family'... But hell no, I don't make out with her.. We're still very much like sisters in that way...
And another thing, we're not 'husband and wife' or 'wife and wife'.. We're 'husband and husband'...
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