Monday, October 24, 2005


This is a message to all guys out there planning to get married:


Trust me, it's not worth it.. No matter how gorgeous or how in love you are with that other woman.. I see it in my own home and in most of my friends', and ALL our homes will never be the same again.. Things I noticed as I went back home this weekend:

1) No toothpaste and floss, thank God our travel collection of about 20 travelling toothbrush and toothpaste sets didn't go to waste. (Good thing I brought mine from my hostel)
2) No fresh milk. (Rarely happens)
3) No tissue paper.
4) No milk for Adreena. (This really pissed the hell out of me)
5) No hand- dishwashing liquid.
6) My brother's eyes were glued to the tv screen 24/7. In my room: Xbox, the computer and watching VCDs, in my mom's room: watching DVDs, in the living room: more DVDs and Kids Central, at my mom's shop: more Xbox and he hogs the computer)
7) My younger sis is not studying for her upcoming O's, forever with her band composing songs.
8) My elder sis giving all sorts of excuses from doing anything to contribute to home. (This is not much of a problem, cos that bitch is a pathological liar from the start)
9) My father needing me to ask him twice about EVERYTHING.
10) My mom counting money all the time.
11) Laundry piled up more than ever. (Mind you, this is without mine)

Things I noticed at my mom's shop:

1) People coming in and out non- stop.
2) My dad sleeping at the back all the time.
3) My bro (as mentioned above)
4) My younger sis, continuously greeting customers.
5) My mom continuously sewing.
6) Adreena running and screaming about, unless if watching Monsters Inc. or Man In Black or taking a nap.
7) Me, forever folding back stuff customers opened up.

My point is:


That's what will happen to your home when you make the rest of your family members feel betrayed. They'll try to avoid facing problems at home and turn to the TV, sewing, money and music. Yes, business has been really very very good this Ramadhan. And it has proven to me that money will never equate to happiness.

All of them seem fine, being able to sleep at night, but truth is, they are actually trying the SLEEP THE PROBLEMS AWAY.

And I also realised that maybe I'm quite the ONLY shopaholic in the house, as I've always been the one urging and tempting my dad to go somewhere, like Mustafa Centre, or Carrefour, or Funan the IT Mall, or Orchard Road, or Far East Plaza and buy all sorts of unneccessary, but important things.

So yeah, in my frustration with NOBODY CARING ABOUT THE ABSENSE OF ADREENA'S MILK, I shook my father awake in my mom's shop just now to give me some money to go shopping. Immediately his response,

"Hmmm.. Good idea, huh? Why not Naquiah (my lil' sis) and you stay and look after the shop while your mom and I go to Sheng Siong at Tekka Mall to get the stuff."

"Okaaaay.. (My God!).. I'll make a list of things you guys MUST get, cos it seems that nobody's been taking stock of essencial stuff at home."

"Yeah, maybe you should. If not, your mom and I might forget about them."

I've been home for only ONE day a week and I'm making the list. And what the hell??!!

"might forget about them."????

My parents have never been this impossible.


However, the shop has been quite the blessing in disguise, bringing all our relatives together, tourists and even the Singapore Tourism Board was amused by the mannequins (which I personally dressed up all 6 of them, ahem!) at the pathetic light- up at the streets of Arab, Bussorah and Kandahar Street. All aiming their SLRs particularly to the 3 tall ones standing inside.

It has brought in alot of rezeki, which may be a compensation to my mom and the state of our home. My sis and bro are generously paid by my mom. And in just one day, I feel real happy to just serve customers, to find their tudongs and brooches. The energy there is great. Shelves are getting a lil' too dusty tho'. Shall find time to help my mom at her shop these days.

And I guess, being located just 2 shops away from Masjid Sultan, made the occasion feel more important as a religious one- with the azan and the terawih, rather than at Geylang all hyped up with the lights and vendors shouting about.

Atmosphere near the original Istana is far more romantic, peaceful and nostalgic, especially when all of us (with a few of other shop owners) sit together along Kandahar Street to buka together like a big family- al fresco. And other strangers with no place to buka are fully welcomed to join us, as we're given free Nasi Briyani and bubur everyday.

I'm away from my family for 12 hours only, and already missing them. Hope to survive the whole week ahead.


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