Saturday, October 22, 2005

Back from the dead..

I'm down with fever right now and can't seem to sleep.. Reached home at about 10.30 p.m. just now..

Something scary happened today...

Around 12a.m. or 1a.m. just now, my parents started quarreling... Being sick (of them and fever), I went out of the house to dump some ciggies on my grouchy, dying neighbour (to die all the faster) and to test out an old fully manual Yashika SLR that my mom told me to try out last week..

Film was already loaded and I borrowed my dad's old flash.. Went to the void decks where the stray cats usually were..

Sky was red, indicating rain.. So there I was to take pictures of this cute black cat.. Its eyes were amazing.. It was near the benches where my cousin and Fathul liked to sit and chat..

"Ati- tot!"

That was my cousin, Amal, calling from up above (he lives a few blocks away from me).. Apparently his mother and siblings will spend the night at my grandma's..

Family history: 1) His father passed away a year ago, a few months after my grandfather.. So yeah, his mom (my aunt) suffered the most, losing her 2 MOST DEAREST men in her life.. Her children grew up real fast.. My cuz, the eldest now 19, was then given his dad's car and all the responsibilities of a father..

2) Ati- tot is my baby name, short for Yati Kaytot, being the chubbiest among my cousins when I was small..

I used the flash which scared the animal off.. Stood up, waved at Amal.. Walked on.. Suddenly, in my aching head, I feel a lil' breathless and blackness was closing into my sight... I just fell..

Next thing I know, I was laying on a bed, in a room with a damp towel on my head, the camera beside me, undamaged from the fall.. The room had a huge bicycle hanging on the wall, with some of its parts on the floor being mended and some modified.. I recognised it immediately.. Amal walked in,

"Ati ok tak?" (Are you ok, Ati?)

"Huh? I fainted is it? Brapa lama Ati kat sini? Mana Cik Zai?" (How long was I here? Where's your mom?)

I was still groggy, having a headache and realised that he probably carried me up there.. A hefty 48kg Yati.. I looked at him, and saw his father, Cik Zainal, instead... So alike in many ways.. His peaceful face, cheeky smile, wide nose..

"Oo, Cik Zai kat rumah Nyai ngan Hilmi, Anis. Ati demam tau. Amal tadi angkat Ati, muka, tangan Ati semua pucat biru. Tangan Ati sejuk giler." (Oo, my mom is at grandmama's with my siblings. You're having a fever. I carried you just now and your face and arms were pale blue. Your hands were super cold.)

I sat up, removed the towel from my head and looked at my arms. Yeah, there were unusually pale and my veins could be seen. Green lines running down my arms, all twisted and glaring..

"Macam hantu. Muka Ati macam Yayi sey. Abeh malam malam buta amek gambar kucing pakai camera Yayi pulak tuu." (You look like a ghost. You looked like our grandfather. On top of that, you took photos of cats in the middle of the night using grandfather's camera.)

"Ni camera Yayi? Betol, eh? Amal jangan bedek ah. Mama tak bilang Ati pon." (This is grandfather's camera? Really? Don't lie to me. Mom didn't tell me that.)

At this point, it freaked me out a lil'.. Cos I saw his dead father in him and he saw our dead grandfather in me.. And I don't usually faint.. Last I fainted was 3 years ago..

And to think that out of all the 12 grandchildren, my grandfather was most evident in me, just that he was alot fairer and has a very sharp nose.. He was PALE fair and I'm dark.. I took on his wide forehead, M- shaped hairline, thick eyebrows, puffy eyes, his cheekbones and jaw, his long body and short legs (maybe that's why I look boy- ish)..

And I was using his camera! And the whole rainy atmosphere with black stray cats with enchanting eyes, adds to the spookiness..

"Amal, thanks alot. Ati nak balik aa. Dah malam." (I wanna go home. It's late.)

"Tau pon! Nanti Amal antar." (Now you realise! I'll send you home.)

He walked me home, carrying that heavy SLR for me. And he didn't say a word to my mom about it.

Damsel in distress back home at almost 3a.m... Raya this year, alike the last, is gonna be gloomy, without the two..

God, bless that boy. Shower his family with rezeki and happiness.


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