Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Today's front page: Doc approves painkillers on ex- addict's request!

hahaha.. that's right... yeeeeeeeesssssss.. hahaha.. finally!! The moment has come!!!

no laa.. just kiddin, ey, doc?? Will never abuse.. I'll swear.. It's really painful..
So here's what happened..

About 2 to 3 weeks ago, something happened to my left wrist.. Me being me, just dismissed the pain and hoped to get better until it got worse recently.. But yet, I still refused to get help...

And of course, I HAD to fall.. Fell forward... Used my left hand to prevent smashing my face into the ground when suddenly, in all that impact, my left wrist failed to function... Was in so much pain that I almost fall again..

It was Sunday and the only clinic nearby was this neighbourhood Medina Clinic.. Went there and the doctor there said that I delayed too long.. 2 weeks is just too long.. Even if there is a fracture or something that's not much that can be done.. He carefully pressed on different bones on my left hand and told me get X- ray-ed at the medical centre at NTU if available.. I've yet to go for it.. I mean really, both my hands look the same (maybe the left look bigger, now).. Shouldn't be that bad... Right??

So yeah, was given a cream, some nonsense pill and PAINKILLERS... hehehe...

I called doc and later that night, he said they were okay.. yay!!!!

But yeah, its really troublesome... Born left- handed, I'm very much dependent on it.. It's natural for me to carry shopping bags with it, sling my bag on my left, grabbed poles on the bus with it, adjust my bra straps with it, play pool with it, etc.. Now that it can't even bend 80 degrees upwards or downwards, I HAVE to use my right.. And damn it, my right is just so damn bloody lazy! But it's smart tho'.. When I was 5, my mom pushed all my pencils, crayons and brushes from my left to my right.. Now the whole process repeats itself.. All pushing to my right..

So people, don't ask why I seem quite retarded these few days... I can't use my favourite hand!

Watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind with Sal just now, again... Yeah.. All the memory losses kinda remind me of my frustration to remember things.. But it's not the same tho'.. I mean they went thru' a 'process' to erase those memories.. Mine just went poof!! And then I get all mad and cranky when I know I must've forgotten something important.. I think I developed a habit when little that is now very uncontrollable..

But heck, these things we treasure sooo much are in the past.. It doesn't matter if I remembered them or not.. It's not like other people are gonna treasure those memories anyway..

Yes, I know Doc, that's the very reason I'm supposed to blog.. I can't believe I entertain your unreasonable demands sometimes..

Maybe there's a reason why I love photography so much.. A natural attraction.. Irresistable, in fact.. Never really thought of that..

O yeah.. I can't really remember when Mirza is supposed to leave for Brunei? Or was it Taiwan?Hmmm.. I know he told me before.. And I intended to get him something.. I feel bad right now.. I almost forgot all about it..

I have a thing about people leaving the country.. Seriously, ALL my friends who went out of this island, came back different.. Even I.. Every time.. A holiday, a funeral or something, I come back different.. Be it only a week.. So yeah.. Hope Mimi won't change that much.. I'll miss the ol' Mirza.. Don't forget where you came from and who you are.. Identity is that important..

This, I've probably said to every one of my friends who went out.. It's like another dimension or something.. Some twilight zone bullcrap..

Or maybe it's just Singapore that's different..


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