Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Selamat Hari Raya, people!!

Wow.. Time flies ey.. Tonight, the moon will tell...

To my dear class members, please do not link me on your blogs.. I don't do it to you and I expect the same treatment, thank you very much..

So yeah.. I didn't get a full month afterall.. On Monday, my body was trying to be funny and turn my back on me.. It bloodily demanded a 3 days break and of course, I'll have to repay them back when everyone's eating their hearts out within a year...

Been helping my mom alot these days.. So many things to do, so lil' time.. I just finished writing my electronics lab report.. damn confusing, I tell ya..

Yesterday, I cleaned out the shoe cupboard.. My gawd, I think I threw out AT LEAST 20kg worth of shoes, maybe 25, even.. They filled 2 big bags, each weighing like Adreena (14kg).. And yet, we still have lots and lots and lots of shoes out there.. I ran out of space to rearrange them and this EXCLUDES the shoes in the house..

Imagine living with 5 women in one house, ALL shoe- obsessed.. My dad must be one traumatised guy.. My bro? He likes shoes too.. Realised yesterday, that my dad and I actually have the least number of shoes.. But both of us have good, comfortable, long lasting shoes, unlike my mom and sisters who don't believe in a 'good investment' and buy their shoes based on design and cost, instead of comfort and quality...

Been at the shop alot too.. And with tudong on, I attract even more freakier people.. Don't get me wrong.. Girls, keep your tudong on.. I'm a natural freak magnet.. I've been experimenting last few days as Salleha think it's safer with the tudong since the incident when I was stalked by two guys (long stalking story, doc and Sal know, you can ask em)..

Case 1: 2 days ago, an Indo guy, followed me from Masjid Sultan all the way to Raffles Hospital.. And he did it so freakily to follow my pace at only 3 feet behind me! Then at an odd time, when I was about to speed up to lose him, he ran towards me and asked me where's Bugis Village..

I said I'm going to the Burger King (to buy dinner) nearby there and told him he could follow me and I'll show him..

Stupid question to ask a girl in tudong: Are you Muslim?
Another stupid question to ask in a middle of a Malay conversation: You can speak Malay?

So yeah, we chatted and I slowed my pace to his.. Nice guy actually, tall and quite cute too, just a lil' airhead.. He's an arab mix and thought I was one too.. He was talking Indo all the way, so I had to SLOOOOOWLY process the conversation in my head and answer every question 2 seconds too late..

And he told me that he's studying in NTU too and asked for my number so that we can keep in contact and that I can show him around Singapore.. Empathetic, I was, because I did attend school in the US and Turkey before, and wished I had people free enough to bring me to places.. So I gave him my number, reluctantly, almost doubting him..

And yes, I should have trusted my instincts.. I knew it!!! Men and lies, I should have already known! He called me that night at 11pm and asked if I were asleep (Another stupid question!).. I said I usually sleep at 4am and asked which hall in NTU he's in.. Know wad he said?

"I said my FRIEND is staying in NTU and I'm visiting him, til Friday."

At least that's what's registered in my head, filtering thru' the thick Indo accent.. I mean, seriously, I couldn't have missed that part while we were walking! Bloody liars.. Should've lied that the hp I was holding belonged to my mom or something...

"Kamu sudah ada pacar?" (You have a boyfriend?)

"hehehe (laughing to myself, to cover my anger and embarrassment). Maaf ya, saya sudah ada yang punya." (Sorry ya, I'm already attached)

"Pacar kamu beruntung, ya. Yati cantik bangat. I can't help stop thinking of you. Sebab itu saya telfon. Saya mahu ajak Yati kluar." (He's lucky. You're very pretty....... That's why I called. I want to bring you out.)

"Um, saya mahu mandi, maaf ya. Bye! Slamat malam!" (Sorry, I need to bathe. Bye! Good nite!)

"Kamu mandi lewat skali? Saya..." (You bathe so late, huh? I...)

I cut him off right there.. Yeah right!!! My fat ass, I'm cantik!!! Even my non- existant boyfriend don't say that to me.. Fuck you, you damn bloody he- bitch! There I was, all deceived, thinking I'll have a new Indo friend at school, only to end up a lousy liar! Stupid, lousy- at- directions- stalker! And he still had the cheek to want to bring me out?? Where, may I ask???

Case 2: Was working at the shop when a bunch of guys, probably in their late 20s, kept hovering around our shop.. So I asked them,

"Dik cari aper?" (What are you trying to find?)

Yes, I always make myself 'older' so that old grannies and makciks won't be too afraid to call me 'dik', instead of 'nak'.. 'nak' sounds too yuck for me.. even my mom don't do that.. yuck!

"Abang nak cari baju kurong. Untuk girlfriend abang. Size dier macam adik. Boleh adik try ni, pas tuu tunjuk kat abang?" (I want to find a baju kurong. For my girlfriend. She's about your size. Can you try it and then show me?)

"Oooo.. Ok.. Boleh.. But I suggest you bring your girlfriend here, because sometimes ader minor differences, cam panjang lengan, bahu and sometimes the kain won't fit." (Yeah, sure.. Bla bla bla.. because sometimes there are minor differences, like arm and shoulder length and....)

"Tuu takpe. Dik try ajer." (Nevermind about that. You just try.)

"Maa.. Boleh tolong Yati? Ader orang ni nak beli baju and he wants me to try it." (Mom, Can you help me? There's a customer who wants to buy this and...)

As my mom stepped out, the rest of the bunch chuckled and laughed at their friend buying the baju... So yeah.. I didn't care at first and just did as what the customer wanted.. I came out and the guys there discussed and gave a thumbs up. Then, this part freaked me:

"Mak, sebenarnye, saya ni nak belikan baju ni untuk Yati." (Mom, actually, I want to buy this for Yati)

My God!!! Bloody hell?? How dare he?? Already calling my mom like his own (mother- in- law)??? I just smiled like it's a whole big practical joke.. And the thing is, my mom can continue with it??

"Yati! Kau nak tak? Dah dapat baju raya lagi satu ni." (Yati! Do you want it? You're getting a new baju raya.)

"Ooo.. Really? Dier nak belikan? I don't mind having another. Tapi kalau nak belikan takkan belikan baju ajer? Beli dengan tudong ke, cincin ke, kasut ke? Takpe, kiter accept NETS." (.... He wants to buy it for me?..... But if you want to buy, why stop at clothes? Maybe with a tudong, or ring or shoes, perhaps? Dun worry, we accept NETS)

Yes, trying to be gracious there, in all my blurness of what's going on, which then turned to embarrassment.. But hey, I took it as a compliment.. And after talking a while with my mom, all of them just went out, some (pressured) bought tudongs, eventually..

"Maaf ye. Kiter main main ajer. Jangan marah ye." (So sorry. We were just joking. Don't be mad ya.)

"Hehehe. Kiter pon main main ajer. Slamat Hari Raya. Maaf zahir batin ye." (I was joking too. Slamat Hari Raya. Sincere apologies too ya.)

I bet I made him pee in his pants when I called my mom out.. haha..

What I don't understand is why I attract older, more desperate guys when in tudong.. I mean seriously, the more I sound unavailable, the more the thrill they find.. Or is this just a game guys play?

5 points for asking out a tudong girl.
10 points for asking an attached girl out.
20 points for flirting with a girl while in presense of her mom.
5000 points for making out with a tudong girl in public.

Make me understand..


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