Friday, October 28, 2005

Herbie Hancock: Possibilities

Yes people, believe it or not, I'm addicted to that bloody album especially Safiatou with Santana and A Song For You with Christina Aguilera.. It's really relaxing, rejuvenating.. Yeah, I don't make sense when I'm addicted...

Just went for a haircut with Salleha just now.. This is her shortest haircut in her life ever, and she's loving it (finally! Someone else who understands my obsession with short hair!)... At the shop, she was all smiles.. Nonetheless, think I have little- er hair than her, cos my fringe is now relatively very short, as you guys would expect... But yeah, by neck length, mine is longer.. Isn't that amazing? Salleha having shorter hair than Yati??!!

It's been quite a food fest these days... Yesterday, Ain, Samz and I went to Geylang bazaar (again) and ate like it's a whole big BBQ.. We ate kebabs, dendengs, chicken cheese sausages, burgers, satay, takopachi balls, char kuey and all other deep fried and barbequed nonsense..

Bloated like 7 months and kicking... And yeah, girls, please be aware of what you look like while eating chicken cheese sausage, especially the thick ones, oozing cheese, with a stick thru it.. (get the picture, yuck!) My gawd.. The thot haunts me.. Haha.. Eat them sideways, k?

Yeah, met alot of Starbucks partners there, all in separate occasions: Kavi, Cam, Curls, Lin... All down there.. Heard Lili was there too.. Wondering who were the poor souls working that night..

And yeah, beginning to realise that married life is quite nice actually.. Really, you'll never know how deep you can go with someone UNTIL you live with them..

Living with Salleha has taught me alot.. Lots more than my previous longest relationship (which I didn't live with the guy).. At first, COMPROMISE seems like a big word, but you'll learn to accept each other's mistakes like your own.. I couldn't really stand having second opinions at the start.. Most of the time I would like to be alone, but later, I got used to the idea that Salleha is very much a part of me already, I'm quite comfortable having her around ALL THE TIME..

I think I've never been so honest with anyone before (save my mom).. Salleha has seen me at my worst.. She's seen the naked me (literally and fugaritively).. The ugly and the beautiful Yati.. And it's odd that she actually liked me looking 'all natural'- with my hairband, exposing my olympic- sized forehead... Samz said I look sweet that way.. Hahaa.. In my all natural, I may look sweet, but only neck above cos going braless and in shorts all the time with my cellulites, it's quite disgusting.. Imagine, that's what Salleha has to put up with every night.. She has endured alot of me, I guess..

It's amazing how sometimes, we can sit in the room, quiet the whole day, and still be so comfortable with one another.. Like we can catch each other's vibes so instantly..

She's like the elder sis, I lost a long time ago.. She's my role model in alot of ways: She goes to school everyday, keeps her 5 prayers, does homework, is loyal to family and God, sleeps right, provides cereals continuously, knows to live life on a budget and dresses quite appropriately.. That somewhat prevents me from going astray, as I would normally do.. Keeps me grounded and brings me back down to Earth..

And this Ramadhan, our marriage blossomed even further (Sal, if you're reading this, I know you're already getting sick right now).. We've spent nites buka- ing and sahur- ing together, cutting hair together, watching movies while sleeping together, studying, shopping and taking photos together... Sweet memories of you I must keep..

And I must add that our fellow toilet mate, Munirah, (also an ex- tpjcian, best dressed at prom, in fact) bonded with us more in this wonderful month of Ramadhan.. Sharing food, toiletries and going to hall suppers together.. She even gave me some herbal medicine when she heard me coughing badly in the shower that day.. How thoughtful of her..

LOVE is all around!!! Or maybe it's the jazz getting to me..


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