Tuesday, October 25, 2005

What does it mean, really?

Ok.. This morning, I woke up with an sms:

"Homework for today: List down the things you think about today and the frequency it happens. Rank and post it up."

So Doc, here it is:

1) My parents
2) Sex
3) Food, meat particularly
4) God
5) Exams
6) Programming assignment
7) My flabby body
8) Sleeping
9) Laundry and the rain
10) Sun tanning

Okaaaaaaaaayyy, so what does this mean? Doc, why are you doing this? I hate you..

Realised that I may sound that I hate my parents, especially in this blog and when talking to Sal, but yeah, I love them.. I just kept on pushing their problem to the back of my head, only to catch it again from an unknown direction..

It's hard having parents who like to work and leave their children... Maybe they are trying to be funny and practise 'absense make the heart grow fonder'.. It has certainly worked and caused much misery at that, scarring our childhood..

I mean really, I think about them ALL the time.. Maybe I should get a boyfriend.. Haha.. And yeah, I'm actually getting really worried for their age.. One main reason why I work while still schooling and staying in this terribly hard and confusing school course is because of them.. I want to contribute to their golden years.. It's not like they are showing signs of death or retirement or anything, but hell, I'm worried..

It's bad to be the only child and have all these responsibilities, but it's WORSE to have siblings and know that they won't care.. And they'll probably turn to your parents for money which YOU provided.. Yes, I'm THAT negative about my siblings.. That's the future I see.. I'll end up with all these resposibilities, eventually... I see my aunts and uncles doing it and I won't be surprised if it happens to me..

Maybe that's why I'm kinda afraid of serious, long term relationships.. Cos I know that if I had a husband, he'll probably hate my parents and won't let them stay, or if I decide to live single with a fellow spinster(you should know who), she'll get annoyed as well..

So yeah, taking it into my own hands, so that when you pray at their funeral, you're relieved to know that they have at least one daughter praying for them.. They probably spent their prime choosing the best milk formula for their babies, and it's about time their babies grow up and repay the favour..

#2, 3 and 4, I blame on puasa.. Sometimes, I get sooo horny and hungry, I wondered if God really locked up all the demons this month...

#5 and 6, should be my #1 right now.. But hell, I'll flunk them anyway and will have to overload next year.. Doc, if this is some sort of a priority check, please help me do something to change my focus..

#7, 8, 9 and 10 are results to this nice cool weather, just perfect to snuggle up in those sheets... And yeah, I kinda miss the sun, it's warmth and it's brightness.. I can't do laundry now, cos they won't dry up.. Feeling lethargic and bloaty right now, I can't play outside cos it's raining and I'll probably skid off too much if I skate.. And lastly, I miss the beach too much.. I miss the sand, the smell of the salty sea, the sound and motion of the waves as it soothes you while you swim from one shore to another, the scorching sun and my body just laying there, baked brown..

Once a beach bum, always a beach bum..

I have 2 and a half hours before buka...


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