Monday, November 28, 2005

I feel like...


Haha.. I know... Cheesy me...

Ok.. Since school ended, life runs through it's usual course... Again.. Which means, more stuff to do, so lil' time, but less stress..

Things I should remind myself to attend to ASAP:

1) Subject registration next sem
2) Call up my friends in Aust to meet up when I get there
3) Confirm work schedule for next week
4) Taridrama on 3rd Dec and full dress rehearsal later
5) Inline skating trainings starting this Wed
6) Starbucks event day
7) Tell Siti and gang I'm probably not here for ZoukOut
8) Confirm with my cuz abt our trip to KL

And I choose to ignore about driving, photography, hostel housekeeping and Firman... Yes, Firman, please know you will be ignored for these 5 weeks ahead, and maybe even more, k? All I can say to you here, which I did just now, is... Fuck you, yes you..

And people, I WILL NOT respond much to sms-es and won't pick up calls, cos... I don't want to??? And that I'm most probably not in the same continent as my phone.. So I do expect alot alot of 'Fuck Yati' going about.. I know you guys wanna make plans and BBQs and trips, just don't expect me to be there to contribute blood or money so that YOU will be happy.. It's MY turn and I'll take another card, and risk losing the bet for all YOU AND I care..

Another thing, do go down to ANY Starbucks on 8th Dec from 5pm to 7pm 'cos we'll be giving away free drinks... Although I will be in deep shit, from all the Frappucino slams, I look forward to this event.. As reported, last year, in that 2 hours, we had 6 hundred odd orders.. All proceeds will go to the salvation army.. So if you wanna donate, don't bother.. Just go to Starbucks, and your orders will turn out to be a good deed.. All you have to do is wait 5 minutes for your drink and drown in coffee.. You don't even need to fork out anything..

And damn, I wanna get tanned.. Went to Siloso with Sal on Sat and smothered tanning lotion, and NOTHING happened... Fuck my skin.. Will try again and again and again.. I don't care!!!

Work, werk, vork, verk... Yes, very tiring, but worthwhile... Missed everyone in the store... Miss it's smell and the smiles... And now we're totally themed Christmas... I just got my red tee.. Since I'm the last one to receive it ('cos I havn't been working the whole month), I had no choice but to settle for M- size since S is out of stock... And the tee's soo big, it ends below my huge ass.. So I look like a big goof: Christmas- tree- wannabe in that red tee and GREEN apron.. What a cheesy combination: Red and Green.. They're SUPPOSED to be complimentary colours tho'... Not in my head..

Tmr I work graveyard with Sam, as always... And Aszy's 4 months pregnant and Lynn left to work at Kinokuniya without a word.. Seriously, I think evryone in store is pissed with that.. We don't care if you wanna leave, but please, tell us something, because we care about you.. Leave graciously and we'll probably even bring more business to Kino.. And still, I feel like a dumbass for not realising Azsy's pregnant.. Lil' Aszy's running aound the store, asking for whipped cream, topped with caramel and chocolate drizzle... That's something to look forward to...

Still alot of partners to work with and bitch about.. Hahaha.. I miss em all...

And I realise I'm really horny all the time... I hope I'm not the only girl... Maybe I have too much guy- hormones(whatever they are) in me... Am very very tempted to club again and again and again.. But I will refrain..

According to Doc, it might be a transition of lifestyle.. From making out with different girls every nite to trying to avoid making out with guys at all... It's really been tough for me... Heterosexuality is really stressful and tiring... Guys are fun and all, but a lil' too jerky, disgusting and at most times, risky, especially if you're both very fertile... All I can say is, SHAVE! For the perfect texture, look, and most importantly, smell.. Please, shave... Guys, you know you sweat alot, spare us girls.. We shaved ourselves for you, so please, return us the favour...

Will attend the last session.. Specially for you, Doc...


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