Friday, December 23, 2005

Photo- less

I know I havnt been uploading photos.. I owe alot alot of ppl.. Really sorry, but yeah, been busy.. As always..

And my results?? Total embarrassment... So far only Sal and Ain know... My parents? They'd probably still don't know I'm in NTU... Maybe they do, but yesterday, my mom strucked me with this: "Yati, wad course are you in? And are you in your second year?"

You can't really blame me for all the memory lapses, can you?

But hell, I did say I was expecting an academic warning... I'm no optimist... I believe that if anything bad COULD happen it WILL happen... Never overlook the cons.. Like Doc said, always be ten- steps- ahead- mentally prepared..

It's really like a huge crime in Singapore to EVER FAIL any subject... First, they issue you an ACADEMIC WARNING, then an ACADEMIC PROBATION, and before you can say "I quit", along comes your DISMISSAL.. There's no such thing as 'You are responsible for your education.' If you are still believing in that crap, WAKE UP!!! The world's a BIG rat race, and no one exempted..


That's all I've been talking about these days.. Was chatting with Shukor last nite and he made me realise something.. How I'm so bothered to conquer the world, when deep down, I don't want to..

I'm a simple girl.. All I want is happiness.. But if I were to only care about my own happiness, you know I'll end up sleeping in the park, with my SLR on one hand and a dark Toblerone in the other..

Now that I do care about my parents' happiness, I'm doing things, that deep down, I don't want to... And so are all my friends... If we had it OUR way, most of us don't actually want to go to uni in the first place...

Most of us just want a car, a house and lots of money..

But, like I said, SIMPLE I AM.. An SLR and a dark Toblerone will do..


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