Wednesday, December 14, 2005



Hmmm... Been MIA lately... Sorry...

Like I said, most of the posts here are Doc- inspired.. And so, it's hard for me.. Hard to say goodbyes, hard to express feelings and of course, hard to find time to do anything.. It's been real busy... And holidays are only half way thru'...

My head is truly fucked tonight, which is the very reason I need to blog...

First up: The Kilat Senja performance at Le Meridian (spelling error?)

Yeah, I did the miming part... VIP: President Nathan himself... Was the happy character building up the walls with bricks, we humans are containing ourselves within.. Was quite proud to perform for a launching of a book by a Malay writer, Dr. Khadijah... Rarely happens... Maybe even the first of its kind to have the President invited.. Took photos with the smiley politician... Will put it up, on one fine day..

I got close with a few people involved in the performance, namely Luqman and his cousins, Khai and Shukur, both ex- tpjcians.. All I can say is, they are a religious, kind and disciplined bunch who cares about culture, their daily prayers and education...

Luqman, who seems to be the most innocent one (club virgin), has been quite an entertainment for me.. That kind of innocence barely last for a 20 yr old.. he has quite a lot to catch up...

Questions he asked: What's the pick up line you'll fall for? What's so nice about clubbing?

Okay, horny lil' Yati toyyed around with his head for quite a while... Putting wrong ideas for him to realise the truth himself... Salleha thinks I have a crush on him.. More like I can CRUSH him... He's like wad? 50kg? Might sound paedophilic, but seriously, I like my man BIG..

Sometimes, I wonder why guys were never comfortable or articulate when it comes to honesty, especially with their wives or GFs.. They'd rather talk to an outsider.. About their fetishes, secret desires and misery.. Why?? Think it's the whole concept of 'What she dunno won't hurt her'... Guys, please, avoid this... You'll might find yourself in love with the stranger.. Not saying I'm a home- wrecker or something.. Naturally, I would lend a shoulder to cry on, but please, never a chest.. Go and find comfort from those who CAN give it to you.. It's really sad to see men resorting to Batam or even flings at bars to find comfort when their loved ones are just WAITING to hear them out..

On a more relevent note, recently, a close friend of mine, G, told me that my ass turned him on and asked if he could spank it..

"Certainly not. Anyway, have you tried spanking Lisa's(his GF) ass?"

"Lisa?? She's different. It's odd laa. With her it's weird. She don't like this kind of things."

"You asked her?? She's got a nice ass waaad. Mine not as tight as hers."

"No laa. Camne nak tanyer Lisa, sey? Later she think wad only." -Singapore slang here..

Okay, see my point?? G, if you like spanking? TELL HER.

Oral?? TELL HER.
Anal?? TELL HER.

You'll never know, she might be wanting it too.. Tho', I do understand most women in Singapore aren't that open yet to accept that men here have such thoughts every 3 seconds... Seriously, if you're not happy that your GF is smart, confident, amazing, but not romantic, go find another who's a horny lil' slut who wouldn't mind the side income..

Ok.. Back to updating.. Where was I??

oya.. His cousin, Shukur, hmmm.. He's a lil' kinky, more lame... A Dracula- wannabe who thinks he's some sex guru.. A senior of mine in TPJC, who made Nabilla weak in the knees, despite him looking 38kg (it's in the blood)... The msn conversation made me feel too guilty towards Nabilla..

Let's stop talking abt sch and the ppl.. I'm getting sick..

Next issue: EVENT DAY..

Was a HUGE success.. Starbucks Terminal 2 came in second after Raffles City.. We managed to sell 698 drinks in those 2 hours.. I was at the Frap Bar that night... So yeah, Curls and I were the 2 busiest ppl in the store, slamming blender hoods and pouring out blends... We ended up drenched from washing all the blenders over and over and over again... And maybe a lil' deaf from all the blending of ice... Our aprons had it the worst.. While the other partners left dry and smelling good, we were wet and had frap mix and syrups of all flavours on us... And it doesn't help that 3/4 of the drinks called are all frappuccinos and that Curls was working M2 ALONE later that night..

I woke up in the morning with my right arm and shoulder aching and sore, from washing all those blenders.. So if we had approx 700 drinks, of which about 525 are fraps, I'd probably washed the blenders AT LEAST 260 times in 2 hours... hahahaha.. funny thought... Imagine the amount of water wastage... All for the sake of charity..

The season to share... Again, will find time to put up pictures..

Lastly, I just wanna appeal to you ppl to join our inline skating/ hockey club... It's great fun and works you out... Can see my arms and thighs reducing (just a teeny weeny bit) and toning..

But judging from the amount I eat, my ass is goin nowhere..

Boo hoo..


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