Monday, January 02, 2006

Overdue 1...

Happy 2006 ppl!

As promised, photos... But at the end of this post.. This was the Kilat Senja performance on Dec 3, 2005.. Yes, I only wore the tudong DURING the performance because the author (the ladee in purple in the photo with President Nathan) had a problem with my dyed hair..

Since it's gonna be a Jamiyah- sponsored thing, I just thought THE SHOW MUST GO ON... So got meself a black tudong and got the guys (especially Luqman, Yazid and Khai) a lil' too excited to see me in my un- duck- tailed hair.. Felt almost too hypocritical there.. I mean really, I have no problems with tudongs and all, but I'm just not ready to wear it permanent... Yet...

And yeah, as you will notice, we had ourselves a lil' celebration at Swenson's after the show and went home using public transport despite the huge props.. Photos, credits to Bid and her handy Canon... As usual, CLICK ON 'EM TO A 1024 pixels..

Alright, school's gonna start on Tuesday.. Really feeling fucked up... I want more hols! And Starbucks are short of manpower AND NOT HIRING... What fuck??!! Will decide to quit soon, I suppose.. Am too busy..

Among other crap, people and The Newpaper (a local tabloid), are talking about how men here prefer to marry women from other countries, like Vietnam, China and Brunei..

I have no problem with that.. As I've said in the second last post before this one, "if you're not happy that your GF is smart, confident, amazing, but not romantic, go find another who's a horny lil' slut who wouldn't mind the side income"

Maybe I was a lil' harsh there.. I mean really, if I were a guy, my fantasy girl would be someone HOTTTTT, stupid and probably desperate for me... Someone who would really have sex with me... And for girls, it's actually the same... I mean, if you guys prefer those girls, we too prefer foreign men, who are probably far richer, physically bigger, craving for exotic Asian girls and probably with far huge-rrr dicks..

But thing is, these guys (not saying all of 'em) are GENERALISING that Singapore girls are too STUCK UP, NARROW- MINDED and MATERIALISTIC... All I can say is, SO ARE THEY... Stuck up- for being all too shallow about how her face is 'langgar lorry' or small boobs or 'high- maintanence'... Narrow- minded to even GENERALISE, 'cos seriously, Singapore girls don't even really think our men are THAT bad.. Materialistic- guys, puhleez, don't tell me you never craved for that Phantom or Lamborghini and not use your credit cards on a hot date...

Grass is always greener elsewhere, I say... It's just EGO.. On both sides...

But yeah, I still do encourage guys to go out there and get that sweet lil' Vietnam virgin.. I'd rather see a 'happily ever after' than the typical divorce between a sex- deprived husband and a high- earning, smart- mouth, career- minded wife.. There's no point of extra- marital affairs, if both are having them... It simply means: YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO BE...

So while you are choosing your wife on a catalogue, tame your ego when you see our Ang Moh (caucasian), Egyptian or Italian boyfriends.. 2 can play....

Said my peace... So I leave you guys with the photos below... Enjoy..

Yeah, B' fast at Mac D's..

Shukor, Lin, Me and Luqman..

Girl Power!

Happy family... Awww.. (Check out his samping! Guess who wrapped him up?)

Yazid looks twice as big as everyone, ey?

Men in Black (part 3)

presenting a- beeeeee- da...

Our secret hiding place...

Aaaaawwwww, aren't they cute?

Last minute flirting with the camera..

2 Guys, A Girl and a stupid pose..

I've fallen in love with the maracas guy... Sigh...

The President and his wife... As friendly in person as in pictures.. She's quite a petite lady, except for her, ahem!

I dunno who's this guy, but every other girl in this photo loves him.. Who da???

Realised Shukor's slanted jaw is actually natural..

Keira Knightly's body double, dun cha think?

Bug's and Stitch's Body doubles hanging out..

Bid's got a looooong tongue, ey??

Sweet lil' Lin..

As usual, Yazid and Mar, need made it salty..

Roomies, no more...

Dun get the wrong idea guys...

Cute couple they are.. They fight like husband and wife and even have the same crooked tooth..

Wassup with black tudongs? Really?

The fun side...

The not- so- fun side.. hehe..

Oooo yeah... Yeah, yeah...

Me hair all right???

Seriously, Keira Knightley the guy version..

Self- made seats..

Take summa this!

Obvious enough, the guys can't take any more bashing..


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