Saturday, July 05, 2008


I'm finally blogging again!

Not that anyone will ever read this blog again after quite a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong break..

It's been... over a year now? Yikes! Another long holiday gone wasted, unlearned and unachieved. Oya, not to mention, unsaved.

Anyway, helo again dear Yati. You HAVE to change that photo on your right bar because you look so different now. You have changed quite too much- physically, mentally, emotionally and biologically.

I blame Hanafe for this (not like I don't blame him for everything else, hah!). And maybe by hectic photography course. Being with a much older guy and a very hands- on course pushed me over the edge of childish- Narnia, falling deep into adulthood that has a huge welcome sign that reads: Welcome to HELL!

Yes, no more clubbing, no more dates, no more being too financially dependant on mummy and daddy, no more too colourful, uncomfortable thongs and bras and no more eating constant nonsense like low- grade chocolates..

And welcome to prayer plans, grocery shopping with Hanafe, savings plans for marriage and my future studio, birth control, bigger clothes, new professional gadgets such as macbook pro(hopefully), hasselblads and mamiyas, and of course a real work- out schedule and good food like the irresistable NAMA dark chocolate from ROYCE..

07/08 in ADM was horrible (like the changes in CPF policies, hikes in GST and food price and the surprising Euro Championships) and still, I'm looking forward to 08/09 (to the worst- opposed Olympics in Beijing, an iceless north pole, hikes in fuel prices and ERP and hopefully, an end to the Iraq war and LKY's death)..

I've finally become too boring yet too opinionated and too judgemental: An adult. As Oprah would have put it: Giving birth to myself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


i dunno why today but i sumhow landed here at ur blog... wierd :S

and u've been missed.. ahhaa

hmm marriage plans i see? good for u :) jangan lupe invite me...


8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude am i hallucinating?!

good to see you blogging again, welcome hell!


aaaaand i miss your short hair.

random but true :)

10:48 PM  
Anonymous Ain said...

oi! happy 23rd birthday lah. not sure when we'll ever meet up but for what it's worth, i hope you're happy on this day (and for the next 365 days)!

lonerz should meet up soon, so many of us seem to not care anymore, which is sad but yeah, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHOCLATI :)

and update lah!

3:02 PM  

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