Monday, April 16, 2007

Can't stop

thinking of you..

You make my life seem worthwhile just by witnessing yours:

(I removed the photos, k.. Just because I love you sooo much)

Anyway, to a good friend (know who you are)...

I'm writing this on my blog cos I know you're an avid reader(chey) and sometimes, some people listen to blogs more than the words spoken.. You'll probably won't listen to what I say of what I see in you, but I hope these words you can digest and read and run repeatedly in your head..

Firstly, jealousy takes you nowhere but misery, dear friend.. You've been with him for what, 3 years now? And you're willing to let it all go just because you THINK he's still in love with her..

Think about it.. I've never seen you try to assure yourself sooo much that your decision is right.. You keep telling yourself that, and lie to yourself.. Sometimes I wonder, you rather lie to yourself than have him trying to prove himself right?

If all you told me is truth, then I really think your agony and self- denial is worthless.. All I see is jealousy and bitterness in you and as a friend, I think it's my very duty to tell you this..

I'm not siding him or anything(tho he's still a friend), but seriously, even you had ex- es before.. Don't tell me that all you've broken up with only left behind awful memories.. I'm sure sometimes, you'd wish you could turn back time, to have that wonderful moment with your ex even when you were with him right now..

Good times are good times and they're hard to let go.. So let them be.. They're probably the only things that you can hold to in this vengeful world, to keep your sanity..

I can safely say that I thoroughly enjoyed my past relationships and sometimes these memories replay in my head and evoke that sense of longing.. But that doesn't mean I want to leave my current sweetheart, right? I won't pick up the phone, ask for a break up and start begging my ex-es to love me again, right?

Those memories, no matter how wonderful they were, are no longer relevant.. What's important is now, and what you make of it.. If you choose to leave him all because you're afraid of getting hurt and assume he'll leave you for his ex, then you're meant to be single.. Stop dating others, and stop giving them hope for love because you yourself are not game enough for it..

In fact, it goes to show that you never loved him in the first place, because I'm sure you made this decision thinking "If I were in his place, I would go back to my ex because I still love him".. If that's your justification for leaving him, maybe you should question if YOU still love another..

All I'm saying is, I just want to see you happy and not kill yourself over jealousy.. If he could look beyond your past lovers, why not you?

I hope you won't regret your decision, dear friend because I love you too much to see you like this..


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