Work week..
Yikes.. This week I'm gonna spend 4 days at work.. Yes, F-O-U-R bloody days: today, thursday, friday and sunday..
Again, my fault, my planning.. Shouldn't be complaining..
Again, my fault, my planning.. Shouldn't be complaining..
So I'm having my break right now and eating curry puff while blogging.. So much for jogging last nite.. But this curry puff damn nice laa.. It's the epok- epok type but HUGER.. Not hot- just nice enough for my taste buds and it has a whole boiled egg inside! I mean normally you get just the curry with potatoes, or at most an addition of a quarter slice of an egg, but this- one whole bloody egg..
Okaay.. Now i sound like a jakun.. A miserable, mal- nutritioned child from Africa..
Anw, school has been asking for the weirdest assignments.. Yesterday, I came to class an hour late.. But wth.. The class is a 5 hour long studio work anyway.. So guess what I did in class?

Drilling! Hahaha.. Yeah.. With my eyes closed! So much for not wanting to wear goggles and look weird in photos.. Drilling like a blind guy.. Pro onot? Hahaha.. We were drilling wooden cubes.. The one above is just one side of the cube.. We managed to drill 18 cubes by 1pm..
And thanx to my dearest sweetheart, I have to wear stuff that covers my neck in class..
And now I just realised I should get my hair roots touched up.. Gawd awful laa..
K.. I gtg.. Think someone spotted me eating in the com lab.. Hee hee..
By the way, I LOVE YOU, sweetie..
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