Saturday, February 03, 2007

I am just



But firstly, got to thank someone for spending the whole afternoon with me and opening up your home to me:

Hehe.. And for putting up with my weird eating habits, weezing, snoring, late- coming and even my paused- kissings! Yup, yup.. You're probably one of the most patient and NICE- est guys I know.. Somehow, I feel soo guilty now 'cos not only did you wait all morning for me and that I didn't indulge you much, but you went to work hungry.. Eeeeps.. Really really sorry k.. I want to say that I'll do anything to make up for it, um.. hmm.. being a lil extra careful with my words..

Hmm.. I dunno why but my body's aching all over! After work, I didn't feel it.. Only after when I got home, washed up and slept on my bed did I feel the aches on my shoulders, hips, calves and back.. How odd.. What strenous activity have I done? Yikes..

Gaaawd.. And I have 3D to do!!

Anyway, at work, I saw this at trash run:

In case you cant see it, it's a pair of breifs on a windshield.. WTF?

Hahaha.. Been seeing such weird things lately.. But maybe it's because I kinda took Meridel's view on images quite seriously..

She mentioned that we Singaporeans take in so many images everyday that she felt she don't know how we handle such overload.. So I realised that I might have seen (and maybe experienced) alot of things, just that I never did care to stop and reflect.. So when I saw that underwear this morning, I decided to take a shot of it.. And it's quite coincidental how Han told me that I seem to have experienced alot already since I coud relate and comment very much on his views..

And this will be my habit from now on..

Stop and smell the roses..

Rite.. For now, 3D!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.
Yours always ..Hanz

10:39 AM  
Blogger said...

hmm.. not too sure I want you to be my pillow.. quite too hard and big rite?? hahaha..

5:23 PM  

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