Friday, January 19, 2007

Dance like no one's watching..

Yesterday nite, something interesting happened:

I danced with my manager..

(And for those from my workplace who reads this blog, please pretend you didn't know he went to MOS last nite, 'cos I'm supposed to shut up.)

Yes, our only male manager who goes to MOS. Guess who. It's just so weird having him on my back (literally), holding me and dancing like that. But I guess both of us must have been real fucked up with our lives that we didn't care. And yeah, maybe the alcohol. Anyway, it was just fun. Why am I justifying myself??

I hate my conscience..

But it was crazy last nite, cos I have different friends at different clubs and different ends of each club.

So I was hopping around from MOS to the Clinic to Attica. Good thing that when I got my stamp from MOS (free), I could enter the Clinic too. And I learned something from this. Listen up if you're a clubber too..

Ok, I went to club with my classmates, Farah and Kat (and a couple of random guys who joined), and they had BAGS. What happened at MOS was, the bag deposit was FULL and my friends had to dance clutching their bags. So we waited for 1 hour hoping that probably, people will return for their bags and we could then deposit in their place, but if you look at the crowd last nite, you know it was impossible.

So we went to the Clinic to deposit the bags and it was like EMPTY!

So, remember, always get your entrance stamp at MOS and you can go anywhere else to deposit your bags.

I didn't realise I have such good dancers as friends. At MOS, Kat was amazing and Naz and his friend, Paul, were funky.. At the Clinic, Vidya was great and at Attica, Aidil was simply cool..

And they made me feel sexy (Oya and maybe because of the lacey and satin- lined top I was wearing too)..

But the trouble of having to run here and there to see my friends was quite annoying.. Maybe one day I should make them club together.. Then I can stay one place..

Frankly, after my many trips to MOS, I feel that MOS is a nice place to club, BUT it's not that HAPPENING, unlike Devil's bar, or Zouk or the old CHINABLACK. You can enjoy tho IF you have a corner to dance and great sporty friends who'll dance with you, but you'll never see people bar top dancing or having drinking games or simply having a WILD time. The Clinic was so-so, cos the place looked too CLEAN and the dancefloor was empty (not to mention the DJ sucked last nite). So when we dance, there were these guys who looked at us like vultures, but decor was great! And Attica is GREAT when you have a friend like Aidil around..

Funny how MOS could pull a crowd that huge..

People who were disappointing: Pak and Shafa, cos they didn't go! Naz had opening and he went. HECK! Farah had DRIVING lessons this morning and she went. Oya, and Zyzy and Zuki, cos I asked Zyzy to join me dancing at MOS and the CLINIC and she said she's "NOT IN THE MOOD" and "SOMETHING HAPPENED".. WTH!!! Why bloody club?

Another lesson learnt: Only club with PARTY PEOPLE..

So yeah, next dancing outing: 27 Jan, for Nura's and Joan's farewell.

Should I go? Or is all of this pointless?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey der..1/3 2 dance bt smtink hapened fren was left behind by her hubi w/o any $$ w n zul quarreled..!! so yst wasnt a blast 4 me n my frenz..! bt gd 4 u, @ least u njoy ur nyt if al of diz hadnt hpn, myb i n u cud f dat dance dat u 1/3 so myb anotha tym den wen d clubs f anotha event aite...

7:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just realised that I can leave comments! *grins* I'm sorry I didn't go. Partly cause I was broke. *paiseh* I sorta had an inkling that he went. I know his dirty lil secret now. Hahah. Omg Yata, we haven't worked with each other for eons! And what's happening later? Text me once you see this!

7:07 AM  

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