Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Not again

Was surfing around friendster after replying to some messages.. Chanced upon someone's 'About me'.. Was happily reading it until it came to this part:

"I'd love to buy DARK CHOC TOBLERONE & give to you.. ;p
I'd love to kiss you & pretend like it never happen.. ;p
I'd love to see you smile at me everyday.. ;p
I'd love to stare at your pretty pair of eyes though the color is fake.. ;p
I'd love to see you get mad at me for making you feel used.. ;p
I'd love to hold your short & fat fingers whenever i wanna.. ;p
I'd love to tell you that i cant diminish all these feelings..
Im just hoping you read this & you know who you are.. ;p

Who I Want to Meet:

I thought i was over you! I should be! But those memories.. Here i am playing with them. Time never did heal me. Time didn't out grew what I have for you.. I tried, but the thoughts of you keep taunting me! I've done everything i can. I still miss everything about you. I can't pretend that my heart was mend. Just when i thought i was over you. Someone has to remind me of you.. Maybe you are the only one that can fill this space inside. Im still alive! Why can't you just say HI!? SNAzura A dream that never end.."

Just ONE kiss. ONE mistake. ONE HUGE mistake, and she had to rub it in my face like this. Why must she do this to me?!

I hate myself. Don't break me like this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yata!!its hann..i had to tell u this! the who i wanna meet is not for u..its for my exgf..SNAzura is her initial.. the first few line was for u..
i hope u dont mind..yup shafa gave me ur blog add..

8:50 PM  

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