Sunday, December 10, 2006

On The Edge..

Firstly, I just went to a BBQ wif the Starbux partners last nite. And it was great fun. Even though it was just playing stoopid games like Twister and chuchuchu stuff. Haha.. Kinda miss hanging out with them like that, not like how it is at work now.. All targets and stress.. Missing the humanity in them..

All I can say is, the old partners are bonded close knit.. New partners? Ugh..

Actually, I wanted to post today 'cos I felt that this blog has recently been quite abandoned by the inner me, with crappy, superficial posts and clumsily uploaded photos. So here's some reality....

Okay, recently, I gave out my number to a guy only to realise he's married and already has 2 kids. Mistake? I don't know. At first, I thought, 'SHIT! What have you got yourself into!' But now, I do believe it's quite fate's doing.. With my recently (forever) broken relationships with complicated men that only the experienced Razak can vouch for, I find it purely mysterious how I even agreed to give my number..

Seriously, my head versus heart war unleashed within me. I mean he's married! Yikes! I used to despise, scorn at women who bug married men, and now, look what I'm doing! If it were my parent's marriage, my mom would have killed me..

Frankly, I wasn't really afraid that it'll wreak his already-divorce-applied marriage, but I was more afraid I'll like him. I mean, most of the time, I TEND to fall for the wrong-est of guys; those who'll have my parents burning red knowing that they didn't even finish school, etc..

And this guy, he's the epitome of it all.. I thought school drop outs, ex-cons and gangsters are bad enough.. But.. Married and divorced? Only at 24?

Sometimes, I look at myself and wonder why I even gave these guys a chance to get through me. The men I chance upon! Why must they be soooo.. wrong?? But hey, making friends is never wrong, is it?

How do I get out of this? So help me God..

Oya.. Another interesting thing happened. Recently, some band want me as their singer.. Hahaha.. How odd.. This is somewhat the conversation I had.

Guy: Hello, can I speak to Yati?
Yati: Yes. Who is this?
Guy: Call me Gideon. Aidil gave me your number.
Yati: Aidil? What for? He didn't tell me.
Guy: I heard you singing at his place the other day, for his wife's farewell. And I thought you were awesome. I'm asking if you would be interested joining my band.
Yati: HAHAHA. Really? Thanx, but seriously, I'm not trained or experienced. And probably, not interested. Quite busy these days. Sorry. But it's nice of you.
Guy: Oo. Ok. But if you change your mind, the offer still stands. You can call me with this number.
Yati: Orite. Thanx. Bye.

Interesting aye?

let me creep back into my shell..


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