Monday, December 18, 2006

I'm simply


Firstly, I want to thank my sis for passing me the first 2 seasons of Prison Break..

Next, I want to thank a particular someone who gave me a huge multiple love bite on my neck and making me look like a slut when I went to work yesterday.. Now Yayah, Faizah, Shafah, Ellein, Naz and Auriel think I'm some promiscuous girl fucking too many guys..

And lastly, I want to thank Hana Maria (Hann) for sending me this message (below) last nite while I was at work. It's regarding my previous post. (I tried to follow the spelling of the words in the message best as I can, so that u fellow readers can understand it)

"hi yata, i read ur blog. shafa gave d add. i noe u aint hapi w wat i wrote abt u on frenster. 1stly, i'm not sincere, don worri. 2nd, i'm deletin it cos lisa read it oredi. 3rd, it was actuali 4 her, not u. i was just mad at her. And if there's anybody i talk about that'll make her mad is u. Lastli, the who i want to meet aint for u oso. I could never hav such deep feelings for u. I'm sorry if i misled u. thought u wouldn't even glance thru my profile! =) nitez.."

My thoughts? Thanx for the explanation, but using me (AGAIN) to get back at Lisa is NOT KEWL. Like I said in a message when we were arguing previously, NEVER involve me in your fucked up relationships. U want to get back to her, go ahead, no one's stopping, but don't use me (the thanx I get for being a friend, and a math tutor). STOP BEING IN A FUCKING DENIAL. Seriously, I'd hate to quit Starbucks just because I HATE what you are doing.

Tho' the message above kinda make me feel a lil' relieved. Least I know I have less to worry about.

An insight to a fucked up, emotional mind of a homosexual.


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