Monday, December 25, 2006


bruised spine..

Yes, fell again.. WTH.. I should just sit my arse down, not do any sports whatsoever and grow F-A-T!

Ugh! Maybe I shouldn't even walk.. Or maybe walk on the streets with protective gears strapped on.. Clumsy! Clumsy! Clumsy!

Sorry about my obsession with weight these days.. And if lucky you know where I am and what I have to eat right now, you know I have a major rash attack..
Things I want to do with my body:

1) Lipo my arse and tummy
2) Remove scars from my legs and back
3) Stop the rashes (everywhere!)
4) Remove bodily hair permanently
5) Get breast augmentation
6) Get a facial

Ugh.. The INSECURITY! Ok you shitheads, you don't need to tell me about how much therapy I need to love my own body.. I know I don't REALLY REALLY need all that, but I just want to look better.. No harm hoping..

I want to talk about love right now for I am missing someone soooooo badly, who is thousands of miles away.. But love is still quite subjective.. So let's talk about school.. Hahaha.. (What a diversion!)

School's reopening soon, results will soon be out, I've not received any letters about applying hostels adhoc and electives chosen are still on waiting lists.. WTF.. The hols is just too short! It ain't fair!!!

Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!

Waiting for April.. Then it's weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Ok,I just got out of the waters and dried myself.. Gotta change.. EXCITED to see y'all in sch..


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